Friday, July 16, 2010


My sweet Kacy has gotten ridiculously strong-willed in the last month or so! She was such a laidback baby, but my, how times have changed. Here are a few things that she is obsessed with these days.

*Walking while holding on to people's fingers. She will be sitting in my lap and start searching for my fingers to grab. Once she gets them, she
won't let go!

*Climbing up on top of ANYthing! She will walk up to something and put her leg up as high as she can possibly get it like she's going to actually be able to climb on it. When we were at my dad's, she kept trying to climb on his fireplace which was about as high as her shoulder. She's got high hopes!

*Going up and down the stairs. Every time she gets your fingers to go for a walk, she will head right for those stairs! She could go up and down those things all day long!
*Walking in and out of your lap. She will climb over one leg into the middle of your lap, then climb over the other leg, and back and forth!

I think that I am noticing a theme here! I hope that her climbing obsession will not end in too many injuries, but I am not sure that will be possible.

More obsessions that are not climbing/walking related -
*Stealing Adilyn's sippy cups (even when she has her own)

*Trying to put her hand in the toliet (if she only knew how gross that water is!)

*Knocking over the dog's water dish (why is every kid so intrigued by the dog's stuff?)
*Brushing her own hair (really just grabbing the brush and putting it on top of her head)

I just hope that her determination will lead to good things later in life because right now, it's driving me crazy! All these silly phases...

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