Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kacy is ONE!!!

What a difference a year makes! I remember the night of June 30, last year like it was yesterday. I remember walking the halls of the hospital in labor, just waiting to meet this new baby! I remember being surprised to find out that the baby was a girl, I think a part of me really thought she was a boy. Kacy Michelle has been a blessing and such a great addition to our little family. She has made me so happy to be her mother this year! To be honest, I was a little surprised that it is was harder than I thought to go from one kid to two. I think with Cory being gone much of the year, it made things a little harder than normal. We made it through, but I definitely had some crazy times! I remember many nights trying to put Adilyn to bed while Kacy was tired and hungry. I would have poor Kacy in the Exersaucer, screaming her head off while I was trying to read a nursery rhyme book. Adilyn would said, "Mama, it's too loud!" Those nights made me abosolutely crazy! I finally got a good night time routine down, once Kacy could go to bed before it was time for Adilyn to go to sleep. I felt so guilty some days when I had Adilyn following me around, wanting me to hold her instead of Kacy. But, all that considered, when I think back to our first year as a family of four, the times I remember the most are the times like one night me and both girls were giggling uncontrollably as we bounced on the bed, or the time that Kacy was crying and Adilyn says, "I know Kace, I know." as she patted her back. One night, when I cooking dinner, Kacy was playing on the little mat, and I came out and Adilyn was holding her hand. As Kacy gets older, it is so amazing to see them interact and love each other more and more. Of course, Adilyn is still a little violent now and then, but Kacy is starting to fight back a little. I'm sure that we will have many more ups and downs in the girl's relationship together, but those sweet moments give me hope.

My little Kacy started out in this world so happy and laid back. She is still happy, but laid back - not so much! The girl is a screamer, and when she doesn't get what she wants, she lets everyone know! She has a little attitude, and she is so determined. Even though Adilyn is mean to her sometimes, she finds little ways to get her back. For example, she will set her eyes on a sippy cup that Adilyn set down, and she will crawl over to it to steal it from her before she notices! Little sister fights back!

Stuff about Kacy:
Favorite Song = Adilyn's version of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
Favorite Activity = Walking while holding onto anyone's fingers (she will actually grab your fingers while you are sitting and try to pull you up)
Second favorite activity = putting various items into boxes and pails (funniest was putting a tennis ball in a frozen mug in the freezer door)
Third favorite activity = being outside
Favorite Food = anything!
Favorite Person = Cory - she gives him the biggest smiles!
Cutest thing she does = when she gets excited, she kicks her feet like crazy!
Funniest face = scrunches up her nose and mouth
How many teeth = 5 - 3 top, 2 bottom (working on another bottom one)
Skills = clapping, pointing at stuff, crawling, cruising around furniture, crawling off furniture "feet first", having conversations with us in "Kacy talk", brushing her hair, talking on fake phones, petting the dogs, trying to copy things that Adilyn and I do, waving at people (sometimes)

I have loved this first year with Kacy! She is my little cuddlebug, and she gives the best little hugs. I can not imagine my life without my "Kacy-Kace". She brings so much joy to me everyday, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of our lives making wonderful memories together!

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart! I love you!

Adilyn and I were trying to make Kacy laugh. Riding on Adilyn's shoulders always works!

Adilyn is so proud to be a big sister!

She's 1!

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