Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Kacy, at 11 1/2 months

Kacy is growing up so fast! When I think back to Adilyn's first year, I was so amazed by every new thing she did. Then, I compare that to Kacy's first year, and it's not even close. I know that is typical for the second child, but I really thought that I would still be so amazed and excited by everything. I have just been so busy this year, her beautiful milestones have gone under the radar a bit.
At 11 1/2 months, Kacy is crawling everywhere, quick! She pulls up on anything she can grab. She loves to "kiss", which is just her putting her wide open mouth on my face. She is a great sleeper, but when she is tired, she is tired! She loves food! I have yet to find anything she won't eat. She made faces at peaches, but she still shoveled them in. Avocadoes were a little slippery for her, but she focused and got them. She loves my "fake meat", but she also loves the real deal, too!
Some things I love about Kacy...
*She loves to get right up in your face. She has no "personal bubble."
*She "talks" a lot, and every now and then she will just sing and coo and talk like she is having a conversation with you.
*She is obsessed with phones and remote controls.
*She is so determined. When she sees something that she wants, she will crawl and fight to get it.
*She is smiles at everyone who looks at her, but she saves her biggest smiles for Cory.
*She loves when Cory turns on his hot rod or anything else loud.
*She has started grabbing on to me when we get close to the car. It's like if she holds on tight enough, I won't put her in the car seat.
*When she gets excited she bounces up and down or kicks her feet like crazy!
*She is starting to fight back when Adilyn is mean to her. I hate to stop it because sometimes Adilyn deserves it! :)
*She is always so happy and so adventurous. She will start crawling around, and she doesn't care where we are. We were playing in a sandbox the other day, and before we knew it she had crawled to the other side and was playing with a toy that she had spotted.
*When I try to take something away from her, she puts a death grip on it and screams!
*She tries to stand up on everything. She tries to crawl on and off of everything, and it doesn't seem like anything scares her.
She is going to be my little daredevil; I love her sweet spirit and her determination!

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