Saturday, June 13, 2009

38 weeks...

I've got two more weeks until my due date, and I am getting pretty antsy. School has been out for a week. This week I've just been sitting around....waiting and waiting...I know that I shouldn't get that irritated since I'm not even at my due date, but I'm just so uncomfortable. I don't remember feeling this uncomfortable last pregnancy. I'm having lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions and a lot of presure on my ribs. Maybe I feel worse because of having to take care of a crazy toddler and this crazy baby inside of me at the same time!
I think we have names picked out - finally! Kacy Michelle for a girl and Brady James for a boy, of course, you never know what will happen when the little one comes out! Sure can't wait to meet this little guy/girl.


Dana said...

I think about you often, knowing how tough the last few weeks are. Can't wait to find out who's in there:)

Nammie said...

It wont be long now, Sweetie and we will all begin the next chapter. See you and Baby Two at St Lukes.