Introducing...Kacy Michelle
After waiting for 10 long months, Kacy finally arrived at 1:57am on June 30. She was a big girl - 8 pounds and 15 ounces - 20.5 inches long. I had gone to the doctor that afternoon, and when I got back home, I had the feeling that I was going to have the baby that night. The midwife that I really wanted was on call that night, so I was really ready to go. I started having contractions around 9pm on Monday night. We finally set off for the hospital around 10:30. The drive to the hospital was much less stressful than the first time around. I was having contractions, and they hurt, but I didn't feel like the baby was going to fall out of me every bump we hit! (That's how it felt last time!) We got to the hospital and I was only dilated 5cm. I thought it was going to take forever. My midwife told me to start walking in the hallways. I asked her, "What if my water breaks?" She said, "You are in the labor and delivery's fine." So, Cory and I took off walking. I had to stop every time I had a contraction and hold on the wall railing. People who were in the waiting room were looking at me like I was crazy. I was convinced that my water was going to break right in the middle of the hallway and splatter all over some poor man's loafers! :) When the contractions started getting closer together and a little stronger, I told Cory that I felt more comfortable in the room. We slowly trucked ourselves back to the room, and when we got there they were coming on a lot faster and a lot stronger. The midwife and the nurse came back in and set up the bed like a little chair. The midwife told me just to tell her when I felt a lot of pressure between contractions. After about 30 more minutes of contractions, it was time to push. After about 4 pushes, the baby came right out. I remembered it hurting last time, but I didn't remember just HOW much it hurt when that baby came out! Wow! As soon as she came out, they put her on my chest and announced that it was a girl. What a's amazing to think what your body can do. The miracle of life is truly amazing, and I feel so privileged to have gotten a chance to experience it. I had no complications this time, which was such a blessing. Kacy had to have her blood glucose level checked because she was so big, and her numbers came back a little low. We were in recovery for about an hour, then went to postpartum. When we got there, they checked her numbers again, and they were even lower. They had to take her immediately to the nursery to give her formula. I panicked and told them that they couldn't give her any formula! I have heard stories that once a baby gets formula, they won't breastfeed anymore. Anyway, she told me that there was no other option, so Cory and Kacy left for the nursery. As she left, I whispered in her ear, "Please don't like the formula!" :) I laid there alone in the room for what felt like a lifetime, although it was really only an hour. All that was on tv to distract me was all the business about Michael Jackson's death...that didn't make for very good entertainment. Finally, I called the nurses and asked them what was going on. They told me that she wouldn't take the bottle (that's my girl!), so they had to give her formula with a syringe. They came back a little while after that, and she was sleeping soundly all wrapped up, hospital-blanket burrito style. Poor girl had to get stuck in the heel three times to get blood drawn. What a way to come into the world...Everything was fine after she had her formula, so no more worries, thank goodness!![](
1 comment:
You are such a trooper! Congratulations:)
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