Monday, August 20, 2018

First Day of School

Another year begins...and my babies are in separate schools from now until ever. Adilyn didn't seem too nervous about starting middle school, but I was a little nervous for her. She walked her schedule quite a few times, and she seemed ready to go! I don't usually get too sad for milestones in life, but seeing her walk to her middle school bus stop one block down the street made me feel a little teary.
 My Hamilton Middle School Tiger!
 My two little Moore Elementary Armadillos!
 There she goes! Her middle school bus stop is one block down from ours.
 They are back! The day was a success :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kacy's Medical Testing

Kacy had been having headaches, dizzy spells, and many other little weird things going on all summer. They all got worse toward the end of our roadtrip and when we got home, so we decided to go to the doctor. They didn't really know what was going on, so they decided to send us to multiple specialists to rule out anything major. Poor Kacy really went through a lot during those few weeks, but thank goodness they did not find anything serious wrong. She had an MRI, an eye test, and the worst was a brain EKG. She had to stay at home with all kinds of sensors on her head for 48 hours. It was pretty brutal. Those sensors bugged her skin and pulled on her hair. There were many times that she was pretty upset. She is definitely one that doesn't like things bugging her, and that really bugged her! Seeing her look "sick" was really hard on all of us. I can't imagine what it would be like to have to do with a child who was really sick all the time. I am so, so grateful that all her tests came back normal. It's frustrating because we don't know what's causing her headaches, but at least we know it's not anything to serious. Hopefully, they will go away soon!

New School Clothes Shopping!

School shopping is always soooooo much fun these days! I remember the good old days when I could got to Target and Old Navy, grab a couple things, and everyone would be happy. Not any more! Well, to break up the annoying times, I made them try on ridiculous clothes. It was pretty hilarious!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


The girls have been begging for a pet for such a long time, so I finally gave in and got them some fish! The easiest pet of all :)
They each got a beta fish, and Adilyn got a baby one. I am not sure how that will go, but he's pretty cute right now. Kacy named hers Mr. Bubbles, Brooke's is Nerds, and Adilyn's is Baby Boy.

Monday, August 13, 2018

End of Summer Extravaganza!

Every year before school starts, we try to have an extra special fun time! This year had a tiny hiccup because Kacy had to have some testing for her headaches. We still managed to sneak in a few fun outings! Glow Zone was way more fun than I would have expected. It was a little expensive, but they girls could have played all day there. A lot of the school districts around us had already gone back to school, so everywhere we went was pretty empty. My dream come true. Roller skating is always fun, as well! We also went to a movie, and the most exciting was that they girls got fish. Nerds, Mr. Bubbles, and Baby Boy all joined our family with open arms. My girls are going back to school for a big year! 6th, 4th, and 1st grade - with Adilyn moving on to middle school. I am trying to get in every single bit of summer fun before reality hits for the next 9 months!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Georgia Family Visits

When you are travelling across the country, you try to see as much family as you can on the way! After we left the cabin, we stopped by to see Drue's wife, Charlene. We went to dinner with her and her daughter, and it was really nice to see them for a little bit.

After that, we went to stay the night with Nina, Tyler, Walker, and Townes. We had never seen their new house, so it was great to see them, see the farm, and let the kids play for a little bit. The girls were so cute with the boys! Nina was super pregnant, so the next time we see her there will be another little one in the family. The kids had a great time seeing their farm, making homemade ice cream, and watching a movie together.

On our way back to Texas, we also stopped in Auburn to see Cory's cousin, Drew. We stayed in a campground that is mostly used for Auburn football games. Since we were there before school started, we pretty much had the place to ourselves. I let the girls ride their bikes alone to a convenience store that was pretty much connected to the campgrounds, and they thought they were pretty cool. We went to eat dinner, and unfortunately Drew's little girl got sick when we were at the restaurant. Since that happened, we got our food to go and went to his house for a little bit. I didn't get any pictures of them, but I wish I would have!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Georgia Cabin Fun

We took a short break from the road to stay at an awesome cabin in Georgia with Mom and Brandon! We weren't sure what we were going to do, but we filled our time playing games at the cabin, going on some hikes, and hanging out together. The cabin was at the top of this crazy steep driveway, and we weren't totally sure that we could get the camper up it. We knew that we did not want to want all our food and clothes up there, so Cory gave it a try. It was a little sketchy at some parts, but the old girl made it up! The cabin was amazing! The view was beautiful and everything was fantastic. During our time there, we went to the Bigfoot Museum, made it up the million step hike of Amiacola Falls, had ice cream, and played around the cabin. The girls created the "Wilderness Cafe" one night, dressed up and served us all food, and they provided dancing entertainment while we waited. It might not have been the most eventful trip we have ever had together, but any time spent together is better than none at all.

 Taking a tiny break!
 One of the waterfall's overlooks.

 Kacy face was how we ALL felt on the last section of the hike! 175 more steps to go!
 S'mores on the balcony!

 This was the bottom of the crazy long driveway! They wanted to walk up it to "walk off their ice cream"!
 Mom, the girls, and I spent the day at the state park with this beautiful sandy beach lake. It was like being at the beach without the jellyfish! Brandon and Cory went fly fishing this day.
 This was a relatively hard hike for a very tiny reward - the water fall was not nearly as cool as we had hoped!

 Hanging out in the cabin with the ones that we love!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Adventures on the Road

We tried to stop at a few different places along the road to check things out. Some were fun, and some were a bust. We drove through Asheville, NC and stopped by the Fat Tire Brewery. It was a Saturday, and they had all kinds of things set up. There was cornhole, live music, and other activities. We went inside and had a flight of beer, and then we decided to head on down the road. It was a fun little stop, and it was a beautiful setting right on the river.

 We stopped off at the New River Gorge, but unfortunately we had already passed the really cool parts of the river. We settled for a little portion of it right off the freeway.
The girls realized at some point that they could fold the couch down to a bed, so they hung out on that for a couple of hours on the road.