We took a short break from the road to stay at an awesome cabin in Georgia with Mom and Brandon! We weren't sure what we were going to do, but we filled our time playing games at the cabin, going on some hikes, and hanging out together. The cabin was at the top of this crazy steep driveway, and we weren't totally sure that we could get the camper up it. We knew that we did not want to want all our food and clothes up there, so Cory gave it a try. It was a little sketchy at some parts, but the old girl made it up! The cabin was amazing! The view was beautiful and everything was fantastic. During our time there, we went to the Bigfoot Museum, made it up the million step hike of Amiacola Falls, had ice cream, and played around the cabin. The girls created the "Wilderness Cafe" one night, dressed up and served us all food, and they provided dancing entertainment while we waited. It might not have been the most eventful trip we have ever had together, but any time spent together is better than none at all.
Taking a tiny break!
One of the waterfall's overlooks.
Kacy face was how we ALL felt on the last section of the hike! 175 more steps to go!
S'mores on the balcony!
This was the bottom of the crazy long driveway! They wanted to walk up it to "walk off their ice cream"!
Mom, the girls, and I spent the day at the state park with this beautiful sandy beach lake. It was like being at the beach without the jellyfish! Brandon and Cory went fly fishing this day.
This was a relatively hard hike for a very tiny reward - the water fall was not nearly as cool as we had hoped!
Hanging out in the cabin with the ones that we love!