Wednesday, November 1, 2017

It's Time for Some Serious Camping!!!

Cory and I had been looking at "driving campers" for a while, but we decided that they were just too much money for what we wanted. But, I am stubborn, so I would randomly look on the website to see if there were ever any out there that we could afford. Well, one day the camper gods smiled down on us, and we found the deal of the century! This camper is a 2015 Coachman, the same exact model that we liked, and it was pretty cheap. I figured since the price was so low, that it had to be crazy high miles! I called the salesman and asked him how many miles there were. He put me on hold, and then he came back and said, "2600." I couldn't believe it! I was sure that he meant at least 26,000, which would have still been low for a three year old camper. He wasn't wrong. It truly was 2600! The camper was for sale up near Fort Worth, so then it became a mad dash to figure everything out. About a week later, we brought home a camper! We didn't tell the girls what was happening. They knew that Cory was going up to Fort Worth, but they had no idea why. The camper was sitting in the street when they got off the bus. It took them a while to figure out that it was ours. They were so excited! Maybe as excited as me...maybe. We were able to take it out right away to Austin, and it was so much fun to just hang out in there all together. I absolutely can't wait to see what adventures we will get to have in this thing!

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