Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Soggy Halloween

In 10 years of trick or treating with kids we have never once been rained on…until this year. We might as well have more rain because clearly we didn’t get enough during Harvey. After the amazing Halloween themed meal, the Hrobars came over, and we powered through the rain. We all got umbrellas and got soaked. I am glad we did it because it will definitely be a Halloween we will never forget! We only had to sacrifice a few candies that got too wet. It was also good because the kids were over the rain much faster than normal, so we didn’t have to stay out too long. I enjoy trick or treating, but usually a couple of the kids get whiny and bored if we stay too long. Nobody needs a whining witch or ballerina! So, a soggy 80's girl, zombie ballerina, and cupcake all had a wet, but successful night!

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