Monday, August 14, 2017

Playroom Redo

We have always hated the color of the walls in the playroom, but we have never gotten around to painting them. I got inspired this summer, and we decided to go for it! We painted them turquoise and purple, and I absolutely love it. We got rid of some toys, and rearranged a few things. The girls were a little disappointed that they didn't get their "teenager" room like they wanted, but I told them that will come when they actually become teenagers :) I am not sure what they were envisioning, but I think it was like a cool hang out room. What they don't realize is that they all still play with the toys, and poor little Brooke is still only 5. She has many years to play with Barbies and ponies! The teenager room will come one day down the road...
I gave the girls a little money for decorations, and this is what happened when they wanted to fill the cart with stuff and themselves :)

Brooke and Kacy wanted to have a playroom sleepover so badly, but they couldn't fall asleep. Kacy said, "I just don't understand why that didn't work!" It was super cute while it lasted.

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