Saturday, February 18, 2017

End of Our First Short Course Season

I finally got some swim pictures, not that they are great, but it's better than nothing! We have completed our first short course swim season, and I think the girls had a great time. I know that we loved watching them swim and improve and make new friends. We all learned a lot along the way for sure. They may not have finished at the top in every race, but they sure tried their hardest each and every time! So proud of them! Now we are off to summer swim and long course season. :)

Poor little sick Kacy! We shouldn't have had her swim, but the tough cookie did her best!
Kacy, ready to race!
Kacy's favorite stroke - the butterfly!

She was feeling a little better. Those teeth! :)
Kacy's 25y free, her last race of the long low-energy day.

Adilyn's 100y IM - butterfly and backstroke

Adilyn's 50y breaststroke - she dropped almost 6 seconds on this one!

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