Saturday, January 28, 2017

Children's Museum

The girls have been bugging me forever to take them to the Children's Museum. I have been avoiding it because it's always so crazy busy and annoying there. I finally decided that I had the patience, so off we went! It was pretty nuts, as always, but we had a great time. There was a "Spy Exhibit", and the girls loved doing all the spy stuff and trying to solve all the problems. Brooke absolutely loved the little air that shot out to keep the ball in the air. That girl could have stood there forever balancing that ball over and over. They kept wanting to go back to the diner and the grocery store, but after they realized how many kids were in there, they joined me in deciding that it was too crazy in there. We had a great time, and hopefully they won't be asking to go back for a while. :)

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