Tuesday, November 22, 2016

4 Wheelin' Adventures

Mom and Greg wanted to come up to Arkansas to join us in the chilly fun, so they rented a little cabin in the woods near where we were staying. It actually came at the exact perfect time! We were all getting a little (or a lot) antsy on our freezing cold mountain in our tiny camper, so we were so thankful for a change in scenery. Even better than the change of scenery was the fact that it rained the entire day, so it was so nice to have a house to hang out in. And even better than all that was that we rented 4 wheelers to drive around the property! When we heard it was going to rain all day, we were worried that we wouldn't get to use them. Turns out, they had a roof, a windshield, and doors! It was the absolute most perfect thing to do on a rainy day. We drove around for hours and didn't get a bit wet! Everyone had so much fun on them. Cory, Adilyn, Kacy, and I went out together and found a pretty cool trail to ride on. There were lots of tight turns and rough terrain. At one point I thought to myself, "I sure am glad that I'm not driving this thing!" Well, a couple minutes later, I was driving one! Cory took Brooke and Mom on one, and I had Adilyn and Kacy on the other. I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty scared! It had some weird shifting action, and I had no idea what I was doing. The girls knew that I was nervous, and they were telling me that I could do it. It was pretty cute. Right as I started to feel confident, we got on some uneven land, and we got stuck! We were almost tipped sideways and completely unable to move. We all started yelling for Cory, and luckily he heard us. I was in the wrong gear, so I fixed that, he gave us a push, and we were on our way! The girls were pretty proud. There were a couple of other nervous moments, but we all survived and had a fantastic time! Quite the adventure :)
That night we picked up pizza from a little place in town, the girls played in the hot tub, and we just relaxed. The girls wanted to stay for the night there, so we left them and headed back to the camper. It was such a fun day!

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