Friday, September 2, 2016

Year Round Swimming!

Both Adilyn and Kacy wanted to start swimming for the year round swim club here in Cypress, but I was a little skeptical. We decided to do a one month trial to see how they liked it. Adilyn is swimming 4 nights a week for an hour, and Kacy is swimming 3 nights a week for 45 minutes each session. They both seem to love it. It makes for a crazy weekly schedule, but I guess that what's happens when you have your kids involved in things. The biggest issue we had was that Kacy had swim practice that backed right up to volleyball practice. It made for a very long night for that sweet girl! Luckily, she got moved up to the next level after a few weeks, so she now has a little break between swim and volleyball. We have had one meet so far, and they did okay. It's a whole new world for us, for sure! The competition is much harder. Adilyn only swims 50's and up, and Kacy is swimming in 7/8 with some crazy fast girls. We will see how it continues to go. I worry about them burning out, but so far they don't seem to be getting tired of it.

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