Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Living Museum

Adilyn had to do a biography research for her language arts class, and she had originally chosen Jackie Kennedy. A couple days later she came home and said that she had changed her mind, and she had chosen Nancy Kerrigan instead. I was so irritated! I mean, Nancy Kerrigan? All I can think of is her screaming and crying, "Why? Why me?" when she got attacked. I mean, it was horrible, but I just remember being so annoyed by her. I asked Adilyn why she changed her person, and her answer was the Jackie Kennedy's book was way longer than Nancy Kerrigan's. Nice...I told her that Kerrigan was a little bit of a diva, but she was a great ice skater. The next day she came home, and said, "Mom, I know what you mean about Nancy Kerrigan not being very nice. The papers that my teacher gave me today said that she was 'mean and bitchy'." I was like, what??? So, she showed me that her teacher had printed out 5 pages of a wikipedia biography that she apparently didn't read before she gave to my kid for her research! I thought it was have been hilarious if Adilyn would plagiarized that part. I am sure that her teacher would have freaked out. Anyway, we talked about that word and about wikipedia, so life lesson learned. At the end of the project, they had to dress up like the person and talk about the facts as people walked around the "museum." She did a great job, and everyone loved her knee bandage. I would have loved for her to choose a more influential woman to research, but I'll forgive her!

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