Monday, April 18, 2016

The Flood of 2016

The weather was forecasting some rain, but nobody thought twice about it. Then, it started to rain and rain and rain and rain! It seriously just wouldn't stop. We got a call around 4:30am from the girls' school that school was canceled because of flooding. Cory woke up to check the back of our house because we tend to have some drainage issues, and he found that our house had water in it! It's a good thing that we have all tile back there, so nothing was ruined, but it was a a bit of a mess. Once we woke up, we realized just how bad it was! There were houses near us that had over 3 feet of water in it. I went for a run that night, and I just kept having to run in circles because so many roads were flooding. The school was closed the next day, too. The girls were getting a little antsy, so we decided to go for a walk and bike ride. I was surprised to see that the roads were even more flooded than they had been on Monday! The girls' school looked to us to be flooded, and there were houses in every direction about 1/2 mile from us that had water almost up to the house. It was crazy. The bayous and creeks were still rising because we kept having more rain and everything was draining towards us. Long story short, we were out all week long. We had many projects, experiments, and outings once the waters receded. The girls even baked lemon bars with Cory one day. We were so lucky, and so many around us were not. It was so depressing to see all the ruined furniture and flooring and everything out by the streets! I can't even imagine! We did get water in our storage unit, but luckily everything that got ruined was just Cory's car parts and random things that we probably didn't need anyway. So grateful that we were all safe and sound when so many others had such devastation!

 This is the bayou trail that we usually run on. There is typically (maybe) a 5 foot wide little creek down there!

 The girls in the flood waters - their school is in the background, and it was up to people's waists! Their school did not get much water in in though, thank goodness.
 It took us about 6 tries to finally successfully complete a game of Life without anyone running off crying or throwing their money down.
 We had to get out of the house during the day on day because we were going crazy! We decided to go to Moe's Irish Pub. This is Kacy on the dance floor, getting crazy!

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