Friday, July 31, 2015

Frio Camping with the Griffins

We love the Frio, and we love it even more when we get to share it with friends! The Griffins decided to come down to the Frio for the weekend to camp. We had so much fun together. Playing in the river all day, hanging out at night, and just being together. The kids had a great time. Brooke and Hannah played especially well together. They shared the two Barbie dolls that I had brought amazingly well, and they had so much fun "floating" down the river while holding hands. Their favorite time was when all the kids hooked up for the "cutie train" and we pulled them around the river like a big train. I think the bigger kids favorite was the mule rides and just playing in the parked mule. Whatever we were doing, we were all just glad to spend some time together!

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