Sunday, January 18, 2015

Back Trouble

My back has been hurting since October, and I kept waiting for it to heal on its own. It was never getting better, so I finally went to a chiropractor. They did x-rays and found out that my tailbone and sacrum are all out of line. The cause: most likely from pregnancy. Awesome, those girls owe me big time - for lots of things that are never the same! :)
Anyway, he said their treatment plan is 98% effective, so hopefully I am in that 98%! I have figured out how to bend down and move without it hurting so much, but I can't work out like I want to. That has gotten really old! I have to go to therapy 3 times a week for 3-4 weeks, and they will take another x-ray to see how things are looking. Hopefully, it will move sooner rather than later! I don't like being injured and not being able to do what I want to do.

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