Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Favorite Phone Pics of 2014

Phones can definitely be distractions from life. I am definitely guilty of looking on Facebook or texting instead of paying 100% attention to my kids, but one thing I love about phones is that they are always there, which means you almost always have a camera in your hands. Here are some of my favorite moments captured on my phone this year...
 Terrified of the car wash!

 One of our afternoon outings with my two girls at home - we went to the Galleria and played at the Water Wall.

 A rainy morning in the camper, snoozing with two of my favs.
 A beautiful princess
 Sneaking a peek
 My girl, on her 7th birthday

 A day that she didn't want me to work. She threw an awesome fit, then we made up :)
 Kacy, in Daddy's hat at Chad's house
 Back to school fashion show!
 Nammie and Brooke snuggling in a cold Mexican restaurant

 Everyone LOVES the white chair!
 Future Aggies??? College shirt day at school :)
 Sexy lady!!!

 She loved the slushie!
 Kacy loves to do experiments and "cook". She made a bread pie, and she was so proud!

 Pile of cuteness.
 Airplane! Her favorite.
 I have no words...a blonde spider girl working at a hair salon?
 Static Head!!!

 Kacy did my hair. Excessive clips on one side, excessive rubber bands on the other.
Snuggled up right!!!

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