Sunday, July 27, 2014

Kacy's Month of (Minor) Inuries

Poor Kacy has had a rough month! Luckily no injuries have been serious, but it just seems like it's one thing after another. It started by her burning her foot and toes on a sparkler ember on 4th of July. After that, we renamed sparklers, "Toe Burners." I told her that it was my fault for not making her put shoes on. We learned our lesson!
She also got a really, really bad splinter when we were in Gulf Shores. Cory and I had to hold her down and get a needle in it, and unfortunately, we had to go back in and dig out some more the next night. She had to bite down on Cory's hand while I was digging, and he said it really hurt!
The next day she got stung by something in the ocean. We aren't sure what it was, but there were definitely a bunch of little dots all over her feet.
Once we got home, she was using some beads, and sliced the top of her finger open. It bled for quite a while! Poor girl!
Hopefully it's all over, and thankfully nothing was too serious!

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