Thursday, June 5, 2014

Celebrating the Beginning of Summer!

It was our 2nd annual "Kick off Summer with Swimming, Pizza, and Ice Cream Sundaes Party" with the Hrobars! Yes, I just made up that name. :) Everyone had a great time. The kids really play well with each other, which is so nice. The first thing they did when they got school. For over an hour! Really, guys?!?! School is out for the summer, and you want to pretend you are back in school already? I didn't care, but I just thought it was pretty ironic. We had lunch, and they played in the pool for the rest of the afternoon, with a little break for ice cream. I thought we might need to watch a movie in the afternoon, but they stayed out there and played and played. It was a great way to begin our summer fun :)

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