Friday, March 28, 2014

Night Night Songs

I love that Brooke just lays in her crib and sings herself to sleep most nights. Almost every night, I just listen to her sweet little voice over the monitor, but the other night when we were camping, I got to experience it first hand. We didn't have her in the pack 'n play because she learned to climb out, but because of that, I wanted to stay in the camper until she was asleep. The second night, she started her singing. Her song was a mixture of every song she knows, it went a little bit like this..."Doe, a deer, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, snowman, empty halls, lonely, let it go." Every time she sang it, her eyes would close. When she got to "let it go", her eyes would pop back open, and she would start over again. Finally, she fell asleep, but there was something so special about watching her drift off to dream. I love those amazing random moments of stillness and peace that remind me just how lucky I am to be these three girls' mom!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Our sweet little songbird! Love her.