Monday, December 23, 2013

Chinese Lantern Festival

I bought a Groupon for tickets to the Chinese Lantern Festival in Dallas. I thought we could all go one night while we were visiting in Dallas. Unfortunately, it was crazy cold! We were just going to blow it off, but everyone told us that we would love it. On our way out of town, we bundled up and braved the cold. Everyone was fine with it except Brooke, who refused to wear her hat and gloves. She was okay for a little bit, but all of a sudden she freaked out. She must have hit her cold limit, and she was done! Because she got so crazy, we had to leave a little quicker than I would have liked to. What we saw was awesome! It was so amazing to see what they had created with this fabric and metal. Some of the displays were absolutely incredible. We had fun, but I do wish we would have had a little more time and a little better weather to really enjoy it to the fullest.

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