Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween is always so much fun! I love the excitement of the girls getting all dressed up and going trick or treating. It always feels rushed getting ready, and the girls are always so excited they drive me nuts! But, when it's finally time to trick or treat, they finally settle down and get into things. We had almost 2 full days of rain, so we were lucky that it stopped just in time for wonderful trick or treating weather! The Hrobars joined us again this year, and I swear every time we went to a door, everyone probably thought I was a crazy lady with 6 kids! The kids were all very polite and nice, which was good. We had some houses with some pretty scary decoration, but luckily none of the kids got scared this year. I think they finally realize that it's all fake stuff.
As usual, we got way too much candy and didn't give away too much, but it was a fun night!
I even joined the fun this year and put on my 80's gear to match my tiny 80's rock star. I found Adilyn's old costume, and it was just too fun not to reuse for Brooke :)

Jasmine, Belle, and an 80's Rocker

A grumpy 80's Rocker :)

Two little princesses

Rock out!

A pink-haired mom and her punk daughter

The whole crew!

Me and my girlies

Running! (Like the candy was going anywhere!)

On the move!

"Trick or Treat!!!!"

A police officer stopped and let us take our picture - all the kids are in their "poses"

Brooke finally wanted to trick or treat when we got home, so she played with Cory.

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Memories for a lifetime! Love it!