Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Kacy's 4 Year Check-up

I was a tiny bit late for Kacy's 4 year check up, but it's a good one to be late for. I hate the 4 year shots! (Probably not as much as the 4 year old themselves, but it's just so sad!) I asked Cory to go with me because I wanted to be able to be there for Kacy instead of having to take care of Brooke. Everything was going okay, but then she got weird when it was time to the eye test. She got all nervous and was hiding behind my legs. We finally got her to do it when I held her, and Cory covered her eye. Then, it came down time for the shots. She did so great for the first three, and then cried for the last one. I couldn't believe she took the first three like nothing! After the shots, she had to get her finger pricked for some blood tests. That was torture! I hate just waiting there for them to fill that tiny thing with blood; it always seems like it takes a lifetime. She got over it after some ice cream. :) Everything else in the check-up was great! She has gone down a little bit on her weight chart, but I think it's because she was a tiny bit chubby before and she has slimmed down a lot lately! I love my Kacy so much. Her sweet spirit, her storytelling, her personable nature, the little spark she has that makes me smile, and her desire to play all the time. I am a little concerned about her stuttering. She has a hard time getting words out sometimes. It comes and goes, but in the last day or two she has gotten frustrated and just decided to stop telling the story or whatever. I am making it sound like a bigger deal than it is, but it's still a little concern. Everything that I have read says that it's just because their brains are moving faster than their words at this age. She doesn't show the typical stuttering symptoms, and with her excitable nature, I could imagine that her little brain in moving a mile a minute! I am just trying to work with her on slowing down and thinking about what she wants to say. I can't wait for her to start her new preschool, and see how she likes it!
This was a picture that I took of her at the Griffins the other night. She said, "Mom, can you take a picture of me with the moon?"
Girl, I love you all the way to the moon and back to your beautiful blue eyes!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Oh, Kacy, love that girl to pieces!!