Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mother's Day

I know that a lot of moms like to have Mother's Day be a "day off", but not me. I like to take the time to do something different with the kids. This year we decided to go into Houston to Hermann Park. There are paddleboats to rent, a huge reflection pond, and a train. We had so much fun! It was a beautiful day, and we had a great time exploring. Only Adilyn, Kacy, and I rode the paddleboats, and we got soaked by the fountain! We were paddling right by the huge fountain, but it unexpectedly shifted and completely drenched us. The girls thought it was hilarious! I didn't mind too much, except for the wet crotch :( The girls also loved walking around the Japanese Gardens. We ate lunch there, and then we headed back home. It was a nice, relaxing day with my beautiful family! The best way to celebrate being a mom and by being a mom :)

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