Friday, May 31, 2013

Kindergarten Splash Day!

I have loved Adilyn's school this year, but there is one thing that drives me crazy! They never want younger kids to come up to certain activities. For example, at the end of the year parties, no younger siblings are allowed. They had a fun outside splash day last Friday, and nobody was allowed except for the parents that volunteered. I already knew that I couldn't volunteer with younger kids there because I got in trouble for that earlier in the year. That didn't matter, I was going to find a way to get up there and snap a few pictures!
I put Brooke and Kacy in the stroller and I ran up to the school. I mean, every mom runs by their daughter's school with a camera ready, right? I was a little nervous that I was going to get forced out, but I saw her teacher, and I asked her if it was okay to take a few pictures. She said it was, so I did. I didn't stay long, but at least I got to see a bit of it! Cory volunteered, and he was in charge of the water slide, which was everyone's favorite!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Fun

We were lucky enough to be invited out to Navasota with the Hrobars for a fish fry and day of fun. It was a little warm, but fun was still had by all. There was fishing, riding a little 4 wheeler, picking out veggies from the garden, playing in the dirt with trucks, and all kinds of good old fashioned country fun. I love being able to have a place that our "city kids" can go get dirty and have some outside fun!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mother's Day

I know that a lot of moms like to have Mother's Day be a "day off", but not me. I like to take the time to do something different with the kids. This year we decided to go into Houston to Hermann Park. There are paddleboats to rent, a huge reflection pond, and a train. We had so much fun! It was a beautiful day, and we had a great time exploring. Only Adilyn, Kacy, and I rode the paddleboats, and we got soaked by the fountain! We were paddling right by the huge fountain, but it unexpectedly shifted and completely drenched us. The girls thought it was hilarious! I didn't mind too much, except for the wet crotch :( The girls also loved walking around the Japanese Gardens. We ate lunch there, and then we headed back home. It was a nice, relaxing day with my beautiful family! The best way to celebrate being a mom and by being a mom :)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gymnastics Showcase

Kacy had her gymnastics showcase today, and it went really well! I knew it was going to be good when she walked out with the other kids and was waving at the crowd with a huge smile on her face. I could tell she was a little nervous at times, but she did all her events perfectly (for her). It was a little chaotic, and every time she was done and did her little "ta-da" move, she was never facing us. I think she kept looking for us, but we kept moving around to get a better view. I just felt bad because I wanted to give her a big smile or thumbs up at least a couple times. Oh well, she seemed completely unfazed by it. She has so much confidence, and I love watching her perform. She was very excited to get her first trophy!
I got super frustrated with the pictures because the are all blurry, but at least I got a few of most of her events. Her favorite event is the bars when she does her "tummy roll", but she was a little too far away for any good pictures of her routine. After the program was over, she ran right over to the bars for a little freestyling :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kacy's End of Year Program

I can't believe the summer is almost here! This has seriously been the quickest school year of my life, and I didn't even have a countdown for the end of the year :) Usually, at about 75 days left in the year, I used to start marking each day off a calendar in anticipation of summer! This year, it was here before I knew it. Kacy's school ended last week, and they had a little graduation for the 5 year olds and a singing program for the rest of the school. It was really cute! Kacy was so excited about it. She had been practicing her songs and her "moves" all week. I couldn't wait to see it. They sang, "If You are Happy and You Know It", "We are the Body of Christ", and Kacy's absolute favorite, "Going on a Bear Hunt." It was adorable! Kacy was right in the middle of the front row, and she sang every song and did all the motions almost perfectly. She is quite the little performer.After the program, she was so proud of herself. She said "bye" to all her little friends and hugged any of them that would let her. I love this sweet girl! I can't believe there is only one more year before she starts Kindergarten.
Favorite time at school - music
Favorite friends - Sara and Elle
Craziest boy - Connor and Benjamin
Teachers - Ms. Jana and Ms. Donna
Favorite thing to do at school - paint

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hawaiian Luau, Coming Up!!!

The girls' birthday is going to be a luau, and we had to get some pictures for the invitations. The girls happily suited up in their favorite bathing suits and grass skirts. They usually don't cooperate for pictures, but they actually did really well. They even seem like they love each other in a couple of the pictures :) Just kidding, I know they love each other all the time, I just break up so many fights some days that it's hard to remember that! We all can't wait for the party to get here. It's going to be a lot of hula fun!