Friday, November 16, 2012

Halloween 2012

This is a little late, but better late than never as they say! We had a fun Halloween in the new neighborhood! Adilyn and Kacy were Power Rangers...quite a change from my sweet little princesses on 2011 :) Because they were Power Rangers, I didn't feel right making Brooke a flower or ladybug so sometime girlie like that, so she got to be a SuperBaby! Thank goodness for the Internet because I couldn't find a yellow power ranger suit anywhere except for eBay, and Brooke's SuperBaby onesie came all the way from Australia! Anyway, the girls got ready, and I made a special Halloween dinner - mummy dogs and brains. The girls thought it was great. They could barely contain their excitement. Grandmother Henderson came over, and they were going crazy jumping and running around doing Power Ranger moves! Finally, it got dark and we started trick or treating. There were not many kids in the neighborhood, so the neighbors who were giving out candy were quite generous! The girls did great this year. They weren't nervous at all, and they always said thank you. We did see a couple creepy outfits, but they kept saying, "That is just a costume. It's not real." The Hrobars had an event at their TaeKwonDo gym, but they caught up with us eventually. We had a great time, and got tons of candy. Another successful Halloween!

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