Sunday, June 3, 2012

5, Seriously?

Adilyn turned 5 today. I know that every year I will say the same can she be this old? Where does the time ago? And all those other typical things parents say as their children grow up so quickly right before their eyes. I don't know why, but 5 seems like a big deal. I feel like it's one of those milestone birthdays like 13 or 16. Turning 5 to me marks the ending of being a little kid. Obviously she is still a kid, but there is something about the way she is communicating, learning, and interacting now that makes her more of a kid, less of a baby.  The start of her formal education will begin this year, and all the social and educational changes will begin to affect who she is and how she thinks. (Wow, that scares me as I type this!) 
I love the person that Adilyn 5 she is getting braver, but she is still very reserved and timid at times. She does not like to do things that are new to her or that she thinks she won't be good at. She especially doesn't like to do new things in front of a crowd. It seems that she gets along with people pretty easily. She is more outgoing at parks and places like that these days, and she usually ends up finding someone to to play with. (Not like she used to be when she didn't want to get out of the car when there were "too many peoples" there.) She loves to play with her Barbie dolls and her tiny princesses. Whenever we play, the prince always has to be a part of our game. Adilyn can get super silly and hyper at times. She usually gets silly after bath, right before bed. Running around, jumping on the bed, dancing crazy, and making faces in the mirror are all things that may be a part of her craziness. It's super cute, but at that point in the day, it's not as cute as it might be at another time of day. She loves to sing and dance, and she will just make up songs and dance to them as she sings. Unfortunately, she is starting to hit and/or be mean to Kacy. I knew it would happen if Kacy kept bugging her, but it hasn't made the arguing any better between the two of them. Adilyn also loves to make crafts. When she does make things, she usually makes them for someone. She desperately wants to learn how to do things to take care of herself like tying her shoes, doing her own hair, and dressing herself. I am quite impressed with her hair skills, and her outfits that she comes up with are very self-expressive to say the least. I love that she wants to do certain things that she thinks a 5 year old should be able to do!

5 words that I would use to describe Adilyn at 5:
1. Dramatic
2. Fun
3. Energetic
4. Inquisitive
5. Creative

I love my beautiful Adilyn Kade! She is a great big sister, and I love being her mom. I can't imagine life without her in it!

Questions for Adilyn:
What is your favorite color? Azul
Favorite friend? Chloe
Who would you marry, if you had to get married now? Daddy
What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher who teaches teenagers
Favorite food? Macaroni and cheese
Favorite place to go? Fuddruckers or any fun park
Favorite show? Jem
What do you like about school? Learning and playing games outside with "my girls"
Favorite thing to do at home? Play with dolls
What do you love about Kacy? She plays with me
Favorite animal? Giraffes and zebras
Favorite thing to do in the car? Play my game player and do rhyming
What are you good at? Playing
What do you want to learn now that you are 5? To do a cartwheel


Dana said...

I am a little sad that she didn't want to marry Wyatt or Mason, but I guess she still made a good choice:) Happy Birthday Adilyn!

Shane said...

Happy Birthday Addy! I LOVE the fact that she loves Jem. That is a mark of a really cool girl.

Nammie said...

Happy Birthday, Adilyn Kade!! When you came into my life, I found a whole new kind of love. Here's to five and many, many more.