Friday, March 18, 2011

Our "No Kids" Trip!

I will be totally and completely honest, I was anxious about our trip for a lot of reasons. I was, of course, nervous to leave the girls. I was afraid that something would go terribly wrong with them at my dad's hosue. But most importantly, I was most anxious about how Cory and I would be together. There was this thought in the back of my mind that we would be awkward together alone or that we would not have anything to say to each other. I feel like our life and our relationship has been so "crowded" lately. Crowded with noise, with kids needing us, with thoughts of our future plans, with a messy house, and all of the other things that we deal with on a daily basis. I worried that when that "noise" was gone, we wouldn't been able to connect with each other anymore.
As we we said goodbye to our sweet little girls as they were playing on the swingset in Pops's backyard, Adilyn yelled, "Bye Mom and Dad, I love you!!!!" We got in the car to drive to the airport, and immediately it was like we were back to our old selves. I thought it would feel like something was missing, but it didn't. We sat in the airport, and it was so relaxing. I didn't have to worry about Adilyn having to go to the bathroom or Kacy having enough snacks to keep her busy. All I had to worry about was myself. It was so nice.
We got to California and drove down to Monterey. Our hotel was really nice, and we drove the 17 mile drive around Carmel. Again, it was so nice to just worry about ourselves and our needs. We could wait for a late dinner until we felt like eating. We could eat anywhere we wanted to because we didn't have to worry about what they could eat there. It was wonderful to be able to reconnect with each other, have some great conversation, and fun memories. The next day, we went up to the wine country and stayed in Sonoma. The hotel was not exactly in the location that we expected, but it was still really nice. We had a great day of wine tasting and driving through the vineyards. That night we were really lazy and just stayed in the hotel and ordered pizza, but it was still amazingly refreshing and relaxing.
We talked to Adilyn every night on the phone, and it was great to hear her sweet voice. She is getting to be quite the phone talker! Most nights she was pretty happy, but the last night she started to cry. She said that she missed us and she wanted us. It was really hard to hear her so sad, but Cory distracted her by asking questions about what she had done that day. I was glad that we made our first trip a short one because I was really starting to miss them, too. I think as they get older, it will be a little easier to leave them. They still seemed young and not able to really understand that we were gone and that we would be back.
Overall, I was really happy with the way everything went! It was great to reconnect and have some time as a couple, instead of just Mommy and Daddy! I am really glad we did it, and I can't wait for our next trip :)

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