Tuesday, February 15, 2011

From Candles and Quiet Nights to Suckers and Stickers!

Of course our entire life has changed since we have had kids. No more rock climbing, no more wakeboarding, no more going out to eat...That sounds really negative, but when I say that things have changed, it doesn't necessarily mean that they have changed for the worse. Rock climbing has changed into being climbed on by two little giggle monster. Wakeboarding has turned into swinging kids around and doing crazy tricks on the bed. Going out to eat has become throwing the healthiest food together in the shortest amount of time possible, so I can actually get quality time with my little ones. I love having kids. Even in the moments when they are driving me crazy, I love having them in my life!
All that being said, every now and then there is a moment when I look around with a smile, and think "Is this really my life?!?!" Last night was Valentine's Day. I come home to Cory on the phone motioning for me to go inside (he had gotten a surprise on a conference call). I go inside and both girls were fighting over an open marker. They were both screaming and grabbing. I realize that they were supposed to be signing my Valentine's card. Then I see roses that were just thrown on the counter obviously there was not time to put them in a vase. How romantic, right? :)
Kacy and Adilyn both had red suckers in their mouths with red sticky sucker juice all over their faces and hands! I figured the red sucker juice was better if we went outside with it...boy was I wrong! Everything the girls touched stuck to their hands. Dirt, pine needles, etc. It was a mess. After playing outside for a bit, we went inside to cook dinner. We ate our lovely spaghetti dinner with warmed up chicken patties...our version of chicken parmagiana. Noodles were everywhere, as they always are when kids eat noodles. Another mess. Then, after dinner Adilyn got out all of her Valentine's stickers and proceeded to put them all over me and all over Cory and all over Kacy. It was sticker chaos! We played in the house for the rest of the night, dancing and being silly. As I looked around at my family with stickers and noodle pieces all over them, I couldn't have been happier. I would trade candlelight dinners and soft music for this madness any day! :)

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Spaghetti on Valentines..how perfect..