Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oh, How Different They Are!

My little ones are so different in so many ways, but the biggest one lately is their eating habits. Adilyn has never been the best eater, but I never really let it bother me. I always figured that the more I bugged her about it, the more she would fight me, so I let her eat what she wants to eat at dinner. If she doesn't feel like eating what I made for dinner, then she just doesn't eat that night. I feel a little bit bad about it, but I think that it is better in the long run. I am not going to be cooking different meals just because the kids don't want to eat it! I believe that they will eat if they are that hungry! :)
When Kacy started eating solid food, she ate everything! I don't think that I ever had to throw any food away that I made for her. I would scrape the bowl for every little bit that was left. Once she started eating "real" food, she went through a period that she got a little pickier. For about two months or so, she wouldn't eat any fruit! I refused to believe that I might have a person in my family that didn't like fruit! I love fruit, and we eat it all the time. Because I refused to believe that she wasn't going to eat fruit, I put it on her plate every night. Every night the watermelon, peaches, grapes, strawberries, etc would just sit there, untouched. A couple weeks ago one night at dinner, I noticed her fruit was gone! Yay! My little eater was back! Now, she cleans her plate, and even tries to lick it some time. She loves to hand me her "happy plate" when she is "all done!" (They call it a happy plate at school when they eat all their food.)

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