As usual, my girls are making me laugh every day. Sometimes I laugh because they are legitimately funny, and sometimes I think that I laugh because life can get so crazy around here sometimes! Most days, they are being silly, and I love that. I am so happy that I have kids that like to be funny and like to laugh. There are so many "serious" kids out there, but I am glad I don't have one of those!
Kacy's newest things:
*She loves to make silly faces and noises. Her favorite is to squish up her nose and blow air out (which is usually air and snot - not so funny), Her other is to make this "scared" face. She makes a silly face with her mouth so she looks nervous. I keep trying to get a picture of it. She also loves to blink her eyes really fast.
*She loves to make silly faces and noises. Her favorite is to squish up her nose and blow air out (which is usually air and snot - not so funny), Her other is to make this "scared" face. She makes a silly face with her mouth so she looks nervous. I keep trying to get a picture of it. She also loves to blink her eyes really fast.
*Anytime I change her diaper, she has to get a wipe and she cleans her face. She will wipe her face and her nose obsessively until I take it away.
*All of a sudden, she has become a little dancer. Anytime music comes on she starts to bust a move. Her favorite move is to shake her arms from side to side. That can be dangerous at times because she still isn't very stable on her feet, so she can knock herself over sometimes.
*Every time she sees Cory she screams, "DaDa!" She emphasizes it very sweetly. She yells, "Mama" too, but usually only when she is whining. :(
*Whenever I tell her not to touch something or not to do something she will shake her head along with me. I haven't decided if she is agreeing with me or disagreeing...With her little attitude I tend to lean to the disagreeing option!
Adilyn's new things:
*When we see people out and about she likes to say, "There is a girl and her boy." If we see them later and one person is missing she'll say, "Where's her boy?"
*I was reading a book to her that my mom had gotten her. I said one of the names differently and she said, "That's not how you say it! Nammie says it like this..."
*She always makes sure that Kacy is not getting into things. She'll always tell me if Kacy is going to the stairs, playing in the dog water, or going into the bathroom.
*She loves this stupid Carebear movie that I got a long time ago. It's so annoying, but she loves it. I kept telling her that I didn't want to watch it anymore, so one day she asked Cory if she could watch it. Cory said that she needed to ask me, and she said, "Mama will say no, she doesn't like it."
*She loves to dance, and she will make up these little routines. She asks me to do it with her, but when I try she will tell me that I am not doing it right.
*We go outside almost every night after dinner, and Adilyn likes to either practice her running and exercising as she calls it, or she likes to walk on the curbs.
*After going to the dentist, she got obsessed with flossing. It's great, but it's a little annoying! Every night we have to floss, and floss, and floss.
*Yesterday she said to me, "Mom, it's a beautiful day today. The sun is shining. The birds are singing." Then she told me that the Carebears say that in their movie.
*I was leaving her room the other night and she said, "Goodnight, Sweetheart." We blow kisses each night before I walk out the door, and even when she doesn't want me to leave, even when she is mad at me she still blows me kisses. When she is mad at me, her kisses are much angrier.
*She loves walking Kacy to her class at school in the mornings. She holds her hand and tells her goodbye when she gets her there.
*She still loves holding Kacy's hand while she walks, even though Kacy doesn't need the help anymore. Sometimes Kacy loves it, but other times she gets really mad. When she gets mad, Adilyn gets her feelings hurt and says, "Mama, I just trying to help her."
1 comment:
Love this entry...your girls are precious and so full of joy!
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