Friday, August 6, 2010

Doctors and Dentists and Surgeries, Oh My!

We finally made it through the week of appointments! I think Adilyn's first dentist appointment was more traumatizing for me than Kacy's surgery! We went to Adilyn's dentist appointment, and I thought that I had prepared her pretty well. I didn't think about the automatic chair and the big camera to take x-rays! She was doing okay with the cleaning and "Mr. Thirsty" and all of that. Every time the dental hygenist would bring something new, you could see Adilyn getting all nervous and breathing hard. It was hard to see her get so scared! She wouldn't let them get the x-rays because she got totally freaked out. Oh well, maybe next visit will be better!
I was not too anxious about Kacy's surgery, and I just knew that everything was going to be okay. All my friends that have gone through it told me that it was going to be quick and simple. We had to be there at 6am in the morning, so we got there and got all set up. She was pretty grumpy because she was tired and hungry, but they went pretty quick. The anesthiologist came over and explained what was going to happen. He asked me if I had any other kids, and I told him that I had a 3 year old. He said, "Oh, so you must have gone through this before." I told him that I hadn't, and he said that I seemed so relaxed that he thought I had done it before. I guess I was just laidback about it because it's my nature not to get all uptight about stuff, or maybe because I was just being positive. Either way, I felt very calm. It was nice because the anesthiologist just carried her away, and I didn't have to see her actually hooked up to anything or asleep in a big huge bed or something. I walked out to the waiting room where Pops and Adilyn were waiting for us. We were honestly out there for 10 minutes when they came and got me. She was done! I went back to the recovery room, and there she was in a rocking chair with one of the nurses. She had little marks on her face from the tape on her eyes, and she seemed pretty sleepy. When I went to get her, she just snuggled up to the nurse. I guess she was comfy there! I felt bad that she didn't want to come to me, but then she realized that it was me and reached out for me. We sat there for about 20 minutes or so, she had some milk, and she smiled at some people. Then, they sent us home! She has had no complications or anything. I sure hope this makes her feel better!

1 comment:

Dana said...

I am so glad it went well in surgery for Kacy. The hospitals that deal with the kids are so wonderful with the process. Adilyn's next dentist visit will be much better:)