Saturday, February 20, 2010

Kacy is growing up

I knew that my sweet little Kacy was growing up when she grew out of her Pampers Swaddlers. There is just something about those soft little baby diapers that will always take me right back to those newborn days. I can't believe how quickly her baby days are going by. I am not completely convinced that we are done having kids, but I am trying to enjoy each moment as if it's my last baby experience.
Here are a few things about my little one. First of all, she is not quite the laidback girl that she was as a newborn. She throws a fit when I take anything out of her hands. When she is tired of Adilyn being in her face she screams, which then starts Adilyn crying. She loves to eat. I don't think the girl has ever turned anything down. She loves everything from peas to acorn squash to peaches. I guess she gets that from her daddy. Although she is definitely strong enough, she is completely uninterested in crawling. She can pull up and stand on things, but she won't crawl. Part of me wants her to be able to crawl so she can entertain herself a little better, but another part doesn't want to have to start chasing her! :) Her little hands are always moving, and she loves to touch everything. She is getting really good at using picking up food, and she has her "pincher grasp" down. The funniest things make her laugh. We spent 30 minutes laughing hysterically about a bowl on my head - it's the simple things in life. She fights taking her naps, and sometimes we resort to driving her around in a the car for a quick cat nap. She is sleeping around ten to twelve hours a night, and has just recently been going to bed around 8:30 instead of 10:00pm. She still has the sweetest smile, and it makes me so happy that I have her light up my life, daily.


Dana said...

You guys aren't done having kids. Just thought I would start a vote:)

Shane said...

yeah, we need one more girl. :) Cory and I can chaperone all the dances.