Adilyn is getting to be quite the little bossy girl. She gets mad when we don't play with her the way that she wants. She gets mad whenever we don't give her cookies or candy when she asks for it, but I guess that's all part of being 2. Somedays it's okay, but other days it drives my absolutely bonkers! Timeout is not very effective since she just gets right up. I guess it's all just a phase. The thing that I cannot stand is the hitting. She has started to hit me when she gets frustrated or she's just tired. It's really annoying, especially after a long day at work. She will usually say she is sorry after a short sit in timeout, but it's still not fun. Hopefully it is just a short phase. =)
Funny things that she has said or done lately...
*Her favorite question is - "Who made that?" In most circumstances there really isn't an answer. Adilyn - Who made the park? Me - The park man. Adilyn - Where park man at? Me - His house eating dinner. Adilyn - I wanna see him. Me - anything to change the subject Adilyn - Who made the girl? Me - God did. Adilyn - Where God at? Me - Heaven Adilyn - I wanna see him. and on, and on, and on....
*She likes to put her babies and anything else in timeout when they "aren't listening." You would think that she is in timeout all the time for the amount that she talks about it; she really isn't! I think they use timeout at school a lot. Here are some of the interesting timeout situations...she put her blueberries in timeout for not sitting in a line. She put the washcloth in timeout in the bath because it hit her baby doll. She put me in timeout for tickling her. =) At least she gets the concept! Too bad it's not very effective for her!
*We were talking about jammies, and what color of jammies everyone wears. I said that Daddy wore pink jammies. She said, "Noooooo, Daddy wears panty jammies!"
*Sometimes she just likes to talk about everything that she knows - "Daddy is a boy, Mama, Kacy, and me are girls. Willow is a dog. and on, and on...
*She is obssessed with poopoo and peepee. I guess when you are potty training, it is a huge part of your life. She will just yell out "peepee" for no reason. She pretends to call people on the phone, when I ask her who she is talking to she responds, "peepee". When I ask her who we should take to the store with us she responds, "peepee." It's funny, but I try not to laugh because I don't want to encourage it!
*Her hair gets crazy when she sleeps. We call it her "funny hair", and she gets a kick out of looking at it in the mirror when she wakes up. She still refuses to let me fix her hair with a clip or hairband...![](
*I know when she wakes up from her naps because she pushes a toy that makes animal sounds. So, instead of, "mommy" I hear, "moo moo"!
*She LOVES Kacy! Even when she's in her grumpy mood and hitting me, she still gives Kacy lovin'. She still loves giving me updates on her, "Mama, Kacy is talking to me. Mama, Kacy is touching my arm. Mama, Kacy is grabbing my shirt."![](
*The girl still loves Mickey Mouse. We had a little interest in Handy Manny, but it was very short-lived. Now she actually requests certain episodes. Thank goodness for DVR!
*She loves the park, and she is actually getting to the point where she can play by herself. She still gets nervous when other people come, and she says, "Mama, too many peoples..."
Oh the fun of a 2 year old. So familiar. I think I am going to start gearing up for Hudson being 2 right now:)
I love the timeout bit. Blueberries will do that to you sometimes. They need to be disciplined. Sounds like the girl has things in good order. This gives me some good stuff to talk to her about next time we get together! Also, may I request that you post a picture of Cory in his "panties"? That would be much appreciated. :)
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