Friday, November 27, 2009

Who Made This?

Adilyn is maddening and hilarious and frustrating and so stinking cute all at the same time! She gets her feelings hurt so easy, and she is so moody. I can't imagine what she will be like when she's a hormonal teenager. Yikes!
Adilyn is getting to be quite the little bossy girl. She gets mad when we don't play with her the way that she wants. She gets mad whenever we don't give her cookies or candy when she asks for it, but I guess that's all part of being 2. Somedays it's okay, but other days it drives my absolutely bonkers! Timeout is not very effective since she just gets right up. I guess it's all just a phase. The thing that I cannot stand is the hitting. She has started to hit me when she gets frustrated or she's just tired. It's really annoying, especially after a long day at work. She will usually say she is sorry after a short sit in timeout, but it's still not fun. Hopefully it is just a short phase. =)

Funny things that she has said or done lately...
*Her favorite question is - "Who made that?" In most circumstances there really isn't an answer. Adilyn - Who made the park? Me - The park man. Adilyn - Where park man at? Me - His house eating dinner. Adilyn - I wanna see him. Me - anything to change the subject Adilyn - Who made the girl? Me - God did. Adilyn - Where God at? Me - Heaven Adilyn - I wanna see him. and on, and on, and on....
*She likes to put her babies and anything else in timeout when they "aren't listening." You would think that she is in timeout all the time for the amount that she talks about it; she really isn't! I think they use timeout at school a lot. Here are some of the interesting timeout situations...she put her blueberries in timeout for not sitting in a line. She put the washcloth in timeout in the bath because it hit her baby doll. She put me in timeout for tickling her. =) At least she gets the concept! Too bad it's not very effective for her!
*We were talking about jammies, and what color of jammies everyone wears. I said that Daddy wore pink jammies. She said, "Noooooo, Daddy wears panty jammies!"
*Sometimes she just likes to talk about everything that she knows - "Daddy is a boy, Mama, Kacy, and me are girls. Willow is a dog. and on, and on...
*She is obssessed with poopoo and peepee. I guess when you are potty training, it is a huge part of your life. She will just yell out "peepee" for no reason. She pretends to call people on the phone, when I ask her who she is talking to she responds, "peepee". When I ask her who we should take to the store with us she responds, "peepee." It's funny, but I try not to laugh because I don't want to encourage it!
*Her hair gets crazy when she sleeps. We call it her "funny hair", and she gets a kick out of looking at it in the mirror when she wakes up. She still refuses to let me fix her hair with a clip or hairband...

*I know when she wakes up from her naps because she pushes a toy that makes animal sounds. So, instead of, "mommy" I hear, "moo moo"!
*She LOVES Kacy! Even when she's in her grumpy mood and hitting me, she still gives Kacy lovin'. She still loves giving me updates on her, "Mama, Kacy is talking to me. Mama, Kacy is touching my arm. Mama, Kacy is grabbing my shirt."
*The girl still loves Mickey Mouse. We had a little interest in Handy Manny, but it was very short-lived. Now she actually requests certain episodes. Thank goodness for DVR!
*She loves the park, and she is actually getting to the point where she can play by herself. She still gets nervous when other people come, and she says, "Mama, too many peoples..."

Kacy - almost 5 months!

Kacy has still been a great baby, although she is not the amazing sleeper that she used to be. She wakes up at least once a night these days, but luckily goes back to sleep pretty of the best things about breastfeeding!!! She is rolling over, but gets stuck on her tummy sometimes. She is really good at grabbing things. Most of the time she can get something the very first time she swipes at it! She has pretty good hand-eye coordination. She loves to look in mirrors, and unfortunately she loves to watch tv. Anytime she is on the floor, she manuevers herself to be watching the tv in a matter of minutes. She loves it when Addy and I make weird noises. She cracks up when Cory bounces her on the bed. She coos and "sings" all the time. It sounds like she's just telling stories all the time. She loves touching people. She is always reaching out to touch my face or my arms. She is more cuddly than Addy was, but only when she's tired. She was a little grumpy last week, and was not sleeping well at all. I took her to the doctor after about 4 days, and it turns out that she had a double ear infection. It is obvious that she takes pain pretty well because she sure didn't act like she was in that much pain. She is not sitting up by herself yet, but she's pretty close. I know it will only be a matter of a month or two before she off crawling and chasing Adilyn around. She still loves Addy, and anytime she is around Kacy just locks in on her. I think I'll be starting her on solid foods here in a couple weeks, so we'll see how that goes. She always tries to grab my food when I'm eating, so I'm sure she will love eating! I still love her teacher at school, and her teacher seems to love her. She said that wehn they go outside in the stroller, Adilyn will come over and say, "that's my sister" and she'll stand by the stroller. She will cry when they take the babies back inside. So sweet! I love my little girls!


We had our first official Thanksgiving at our house yesterday. We had the all the Hendersons (minus Ashley), and a couple friends of Chad's. We had a great time - great food and great company! There were no Thanksgiving feast tragedies (except, of course, the poor turkey that got fried)! We planned to eat around 1pm, but it was not really until about 2pm that we all sat down to eat. Adilyn was way past nap time, so I spent the last chaotic minutes trying to get food ready with a 30 pound 2 year old hanging on my back pockets. Literally...she had both her hands in my back pockets saying, "Mama, I hungy, I hungy!" Once we sat down her favorite's were Grandmother Henderson's deviled eggs (fitting since she can be such a devil-child these days) and her second favorite were the rolls. She did not like much else, but she tried most of it. My favorites were the green bean casserole, and Holly's yummy sweet potatoes! It was a good day, and it was a great reason for me to give my house a good cleaning! =)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Funny Girls

I try to write my favorite things about Adilyn and Kacy every now and then because I know that I won't remember the little things they do that make my heart happy...

Here are some of my favorite things about Adilyn lately.
*Cory told Adilyn good night, and she responded, "Good night, baby." That's what he says to her when he tells her good night. When we were laughing at her because she said that, she then said, "Good night, daddy baby."
*She says "poohnie-noonie", don't know what it means, but it's a funny word!
*She tells me who is nice at her school and who is mean. It changes from day to day, except for a boy named Cole. He is always "mean, not nice" as she says.
*Her favorite questions is, "What happened?" Anytime there is a noise or anything like that she has to ask.
*Whenever I come home from my volleyball games and she is here with her babysitter, I hear her sweet little voice scream out, "Mama's here, mama's here!"
*If she is ever around when Kacy starts to cry, she says, "Mama I do it." Then she turns to Kacy and says, "Kacy, I sorry." Most of the time, she never even did anything to her.
*She loves singing to Kacy. If Kacy makes a noise, she will say, "Mama, Kacy like me singing."
*She gets right on top of Kacy, right in her face and "talks" to her.
*Her hair is a mess, and it is always in her eyes. She refuses to put clips or anything in it.
*When I put her to sleep, I read a couple books and try to leave. She always stalls, and she will grab my face in her hands and talk to me. Sometimes she talks about our day, sometimes she asks me questions, but always, without fail she says, "Mama, I wanna go park." I always tell her that we will go to the park "tomorrow."
*If I ask her something like, "You don't like blueberries?" She responds, "I DO like them. I do." She really emphasizes the "do".
*She loves wearing Dora panties, even though we have only seen one Dora episode ever, and she hated it.

My favorite things about Kacy -
*She is so patient. She always waits patiently while I deal with Adilyn's issues.
*When I lift her up above my head she keeps her body completely horizontal, like she is flying.
*She sucks on her pointer finger, and she always looks so intense.
*The hair on top of her head is still sticking straight up.
*I could probably leave her in the bath for hours, and she would be fine. She loves the water!
*She likes watching tv. If I have her playing on her mat on the floor, she will twist and turn until she is facing the tv.
*She will wake up in the middle of the night and just start cooing and singing. I can't ignore her when she starts "talking".
*She puts up with Adilyn doing pretty much anything to her. Anytime Adilyn is around, she just locks her eyes on her and watches her the whole time.
*She is still super smily.
*Her eys are so wide open all the time. It's like she is trying to take in the whole world with one glance.
*She can hold her head up, but she doesn't like to sit up straight. It's like she just crumples up in a ball.
*When I try to burp her, she likes to look at me and smile. this puts her about 1/2 inch away from my face. It's super cute, but she is a spitter-upper, so it makes me super nervous.
*She has mastered her grabbing skills, and now she grips on to everything that comes her way!

I love these little ones!

October Fun!

We have had quite a busy month, and as a result I have not been keeping up with the blog. I will give some updates in short posts, so it doesn't get too boring. I will start with what has happened first...The first fun thing that we did this fall was go to Dewberry Farm. Cory and I had gone there last year with some friends, so we decided to make it an annual tradition. We had a great time again, but unfortunately the whole world was there having fun too! It was one of the first weekends with great weather, and it was featured on "Good Morning America" earlier that week. We still had a lot of fun, it was just really busy everywhere! Adilyn had the most fun running down the dirt pile with Cory and Shane. We stayed all the way to dark, and had fun playing around and hanging out with friends. It was a great way to get the fall holiday season started.

Cory is still going out of town every week. It's still hard to have him gone, but the girls and I have gotten comfortable in our routine. Luckily, the one week that Adilyn was sick my mom was here to help with all that. We have our Sunday night "go to a park, watch a movie, and eat dinner in the living room" routine. Adilyn always thinks it is so much fun to eat in the living room. The sad part about that is that she actually eats much better when she is in front of the tv. I think she doesn't think about what she is doing because she is in the "television trance". It's crazy how people of any age just zone out when the tv comes on. I really try to limit the amount of tv she watches because it just drives me nuts to see that blank stare on her face while she is watching it. Her favorite show is still Mickey Mouse, but we also watch Handy Manny every now and then. During the week, we pretty much just come home from school, eat dinner, play for an hour or two, then go to bed. Some days (especially the ones when she is grumpy) I wonder what it would be like if I didn't work. I wonder if I would be more irritated with them, or if I would love it because I would not be so rushed all the time. I sometimes feel like I never have any time with Kacy. I know that I have a lifetime to spend time with her, but I wonder if I will regret the time I have missed with her (and Adilyn) while I am at work. Oh well, with the economy the way it is and with Cory's job being so uncertain, we really don't have an option right now. I think that all that matters in the end is that your kids know that you did the best you could, and that you loved them with all your heart. I believe that I am doing both of those things right now, so that's all I have to give.