Saturday, August 15, 2009

"Little Bit"

Adilyn is still cracking me up with the things that she is saying. Here are some of my recent favorites...
*She loves Cheetos. I told her that there weren't anymore left in the bag. (I guess she knew that there were some crumbs.) She looked at me and said, "Mama, little bit, little bit."
*Cory has a friend that we call "Big Nate", so Adilyn started calling Cory, "Big Daddy."
*Cory has been working out of town in California, and she likes to talk about him when he's gone. The other day she said, "Daddy airplane working go bye-bye California kiss him."
*She randomly started calling Kacy, "Little Baby Kacy."
*When we were in the car, Kacy started crying - she started yelling, "Kacy, stop frying!" That's her version of "crying". I had to tell her not to yell at her, but to say, "Kacy, it's okay." So, now everytime Kacy cries she runs over to her and tells her that it's okay.
*I told her that she was funny the other day, and she said, "No, Mama - you're funny!"
*My friend told her to say "boom-shaka-laka", and she went around saying it a million times and laughed hysterically everytime.
What a little goofball!

1 comment:

Dana said...

What a gorgeous picture!