Sunday, March 1, 2009

The New Baby

The first Henderson sibling picture!
We have been trying to prepare Adilyn for the upcoming addition to our family. She knows that there is a baby in my belly, but she also thinks there is one in her belly, and Cory's belly. I haven't been able to get her to feel the baby move, but I have a feeling that she's still not going to get it until the baby is actually her and in our lives. I am a little worried about how the whole transition is going to go. I'm sure it will be fine; I know there will be some rough times, but she'll love the new little one. I keep thinking about how Zoe acted when I brought Willow home. She was so mad at me for almost two weeks. She wouldn't let me pet her or anything! I hope Adilyn won't act like that. :)

The new Henderson kiddo in the making....(20 week ultrasound)

1 comment:

Dana said...

We are so excited for you...and hoping for a little boy to hang out with Hudson:) Adilyn will be a great big sister!