Sunday, April 13, 2008

I Want My Corn!

Here is a picture of our sweet little angel at my 30th birthday party last weekend. Her new thing is that she loves holding on to a big piece of something and munching on it forever. She loves to do this with animal crackers, green beans, noodles, etc...this day she chose corn on the cob. Things were going great; she was happily nibbling on it for quite some time. Then, the inevitable fell in the dirt! Now, being the kind of mother that I am, I firmly believe in the "5 second rule" and even the "30 second rule" if necessary, but this was pretty bad. So, here is the picture of how she reacted when I took the corn away...notice the new piece of corn in her hands - for some reason it still wasn't good enough to make her happy, she wanted the original back.

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