Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh, how our lives have changed...

So, Adilyn has been in our lives for almost nine months now. It's amazing to me that she's been here for as long as I was pregnant. Waiting for her to get here seemed to take forever! In some ways it seems like just yesterday that Adilyn was born. Then, I start to think about it a little more, and I can not imagine what my life was like without her. She is such a part of me, such a huge part of who I am and who I will become that it is hard to remember what filled my heart before she was here. This experience, the experience of becoming a mother, has been amazing. It has been harder, more rewarding, and more exciting than I ever dreamed; I would never change it in a million years.
Some things that come to mind from the last nine months...
*Cory, in his infinite wisdom, started calling Adilyn, "Addy-pants", when she was first born. The nickname stuck...the funny thing was that Adilyn probably only wore pants twice for the entire first four months of her life. So, really it should have been "Addy-no pants".
*Adilyn has always loved the dogs. They would lick her, and she would smile and squeal. Now that she's on the move, crawling around, they just seem to get in her way. She will just close her eyes and stop whatever she is doing until they leave "her" space.
*My sweet angel has quite a strong personality. When she gets mad, she gets mad, quick! Every time we would go out to eat when she was really little, it was like a ticking time bomb. We never knew when she was going to explode!
*Even at 8 months, Adilyn has proven to be a daredevil. She flipped herself out of her swing when she was about 6 months old (so, maybe I actually just forgot to snap her in, and she fell out - but I like to think that she was trying to be extreme). She loves when Cory bounces her on the bed. She will scream and giggle the whole time! I try to do it, but it's never as good as Daddy. She laughs a little, just to make me feel good, but I can tell it's not as fun for her. She also loves to go really high when she's swinging. She loves to be flipped upside down. I can only imagine what it will be like when she's really on the move!
When Adilyn was trying to crawl and move around, Cory and I were just staring at her in amazement for an hour or so. Cory said, "This is just like watching the Discovery Channel." It is truly amazing to watch her learn and grow. Everyday is new and exciting to her. I wish I could be that way still.

1 comment:

OrganicAshly said...

Very sweet first post, I think your blog looks awesome! Being a mom is really crazy and I'm glad I have you to share it with!