Sunday, December 16, 2018

More "little areas" to explore

I got lost (nothing new), and we found this cool little area in the middle of a neighborhood. Of course, we had to go and explore it! It was actually a really nice little trail along a creek, but the weirdest/coolest thing was this silver ball thing. The girls thought it was hilarious and did yoga moves on it.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Park Fun

Even though the girls are getting bigger, we can still have tons of fun at the park. This park had a volleyball court, so we played with a little ball that we had in the car for quite a while. I am having knee surgery this week, so this was my last "fun" play time with the kids for at least 4-5 months. Not that we can't go to the park, but we for sure won't be able to run around and play like we did today!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Band Concert

Remember how much Adilyn hated the French Horn in November? Well, her feelings haven't changed a bit! This was her first concert, and if I had to guess, she probably didn't even actually play a single note! The picture is of her and all the other Frenchies - all boys. Only one more semester to go, and she can say goodbye to that thing forever.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

First club volleyball game

Adilyn had her very first club volleyball game, and I don't think I have ever seen her so nervous! Club volleyball moves so much faster than developmental, and I don't think she is all that comfortable with it yet. I thought she did so amazing, especially for her being so behind compared to some of these girls. She was definitely a little slow getting here and there, but I thought she definitely held her own! It is a whole new world of competition now. The team did great, and they qualified for the Tour of Texas, which is a tournament that goes to Austin and San Antonio. We'll see how the rest of the season goes!

Friday, December 7, 2018

WOW Word Day

Another WOW Word Day at school! We always go pretty simple. Brooke was "festive" this year, and Kacy was "nonchalant". I love that they don't require a big, extravagant outfit for these days. I couldn't handle that!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Cute find

The girls were asking me about my pregnancies, so I got down my pregnancy journals and flipped through them. We found this one about Kacy, and we thought it was so ironic. The little swimmer was "swimming" before she was even born!

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Another day of photo "missions"

The two little ones are still excited about these photo missions during Adilyn's volleyball practices. These are a few of their "finds" from today's mission. 

A fancy car

A sign

Three leaves of all different colors

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Elfina and Sweetie are back and ready to PARTY!

Elfina and Sweetie arrived on their normal day this year - December 1! They started off in the liquor cabinet, whoa girls! The 2nd day they decided to pretend they were having a little picnic. We'll see where else these little cuties end up this month.

December girls' trip in San Marcos

This was our 6th annual Christmas girls' trip, and we met up in San Marcos this time. Of course, Mom had to bring Lucy, dressed in her Santa outfit! It was one of those beautiful winter days in Texas, so we went to hang out at a park right by the river. The park was really fun, and we spent hours there playing and exploring the river area. There was a rapid there that kayakers were practicing riding down. We also saw a group of tubers just floating the river! While it was a nice, warm day, the water had to be freezing!
That night we drove through Santa's Ranch, which was just a little space with a bunch of different Christmas light set ups. It wasn't the best one we have ever seen, but it wasn't horrible by any means.  These little trips are always so fun!