Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Kacy's Sayings

The way Kacy expresses herself is always so hilarious! I have made it a point to keep track of some of my favorite conversations with her, so I can remember the way this little one thinks :)
*Adilyn was talking about how she didn't know how to do something in school one day, Kacy said, "Yeah, Addy, I know what you mean. The other day I didn't know what in the heck Ms. Edmonds wanted us to do on a paper, but I just went with it. I mean, that's what you gotta do, just go with it!"
*She loves the berry smoothies from Costco, and she got home one day and saw a close to empty smoothie cup. She said, "Ugh, you guys got a berry smoothie. That's EXACTLY why I hate going to school!"
*She was asking me about why she talks differently, and she was saying that she didn't like it too much. She said, "But, will I talk like this when I am a pawent?" (because her "r's" sound like "w's")
*"I love Brooke so much, but she destroys everything I create!"
*"Tell me again about the story of how Daddy found you."
*Kacy was telling me about how a girl told her that she didn't want to be her friend anymore because of something silly like that she liked the color purple or something. "I lost a friend at school today. She might come back to me one day." Then, I told her that I have lost friends before, and I know it's kind of sad. She said, "But you will never lose Dana because you have known her for ages!"
*She hurt her arm, so I gave her some ice. She said, "Ahhhh, ice is just amazing!"
*We were talking about how her teacher had lost her mom and her dad this year, and she said, "You mean she has no parents left, none at all?" She thought for a minute, and then said, "One day we are going to lose Nammie, and that's going to be so sad."
*"I think it's really weird that when you sleep you feel like you aren't moving, but when you wake up everything in your bed is all different."
*"I like the new art teacher. She says that when we make a mistake in art, you can just fix it right up and turn it into something else. It's called an "artistic oops"!"
*Brooke was resting on my lap after throwing a ridiculous fit. Kacy came up to me, patted my shoulder, and said, "Quiet moments, enjoy the quiet moments."
*She still likes to come down to our bed every now and theer how I sadin. I told her that she needed to stop because we didn't sleep as well with her in our bed. She said, "Right, but I don't think you understand. Remember how I said that everything moves around in my bed at night, well, when I sleep with you and Daddy every time I wake up Daddy is on one side and you are on the other side every single time!"
This girl...love her...

Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Weekend Alone

Cory and I wanted to go to a little vacation this year, but we could never get plans together. We decided to just do a weekend in Dallas and drop the kids off with Dad and Kris. We didn't have a lot of plans, but it was wonderful to just be together alone! There definitely is not enough alone time in our lives :) I think I was the most excited to sleep in. Of course, we assumed that we would still be up at 8am, but we were wrong! We didn't wake up until 10:30. It was amazing. Saturday we went to brunch, the farmer's market, a wine bar, and just hung out. We also wanted to watch the college basketball game that night, so we decided to eat dinner at a local sports bar. Super exciting and romantic, right? Honestly, it didn't really matter one single bit what we did. We were just happy to be our and about doing our own thing!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

An Update on Adilyn

Adilyn is growing up before our eyes! She is such an amazing kid. I am not a bragging parent because I really don't care about a lot of the outside stuff, but this is her first year with "real" grades and she has had all A's all year. She has a really sweet little best friend, Audrey. Her teachers all say that she is very helpful, very sweet, and a great student. She has a very quirky sense of humor, and she loves to laugh. One of her favorite things to do still is dance around the house and "do shows." She still fights with Kacy and now her and Brooke can get into some fights, too, but she is a great big sister. I often catch her reading to Brooke, or helping her reach something that she can't get on her own. Speaking of reading, she loves to read! I finally got her to start actually finishing books. She would start and stop books all the time, but I think she is finishing them now. Her favorite series is called Whatever After - they are fractured fairy tales of original princess stories. I don't care what it is, as long as she is reading! She likes to stay up at night and read, sometimes too late, but I have come to find out that she does not need that much sleep. I mean, she isn't up until midnight, but she can stay up later than the other girls and still be fine. :) She seems to be excited about volleyball this, and I would love to see her get a little determined this year.
Sometimes when I look at her, I just can't even believe how big she is getting - almost 8! How is it possible? I am so proud of who she is becoming, and I can't wait to see how she continues to grow as a wonderful little lady :) Love her to pieces!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Volleyball is back in session!

We decided to do volleyball at the YMCA again this season. We have 6 returning players and 1 new one, and we are playing in a 1st and 2nd grade division (hopefully that means we will get a few wins)! I am starting out the season with a much different attitude, and I am excited to see how much better they will get this season. We had a great first practice, and a couple girls that never got a single serve over actually served over tonight! They are all such sweet girls, and I really enjoy coaching them. Kacy is practicing with us this season since we don't have a very big team, so hopefully she'll be ready to play next year! We are the "Hot Shots" this season, so gooooooooo Hot Shots!!!!! :)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Spring Break Sickies

We had a fun first part of Spring Break, but the second part - not so much! The first part we went up to Mineral Wells to go camping with the Griffins. After we left camping, we hung out with Dad and Kris then Mom for a little bit. We got back in town on Tuesday and just hung out a little bit. We were going to go to Galveston, but the weather got bad. Then  on Thursday, Adilyn woke up with a fever. I figured she would be fine, but that fever just would not go away! Days and days went by and she was still coughing and the fever was still there. We watched so much tv and did so much sitting around we were all going a little crazy. I got sick, too. Kacy also had a couple rough days in there, too. It was a lazy, sick Spring Break! Oh well, we all got caught up on our "screen time", and at least we didn't have to miss too many days of actual school. Maybe next year we will do something fantastic to make up for it. Our only outing was to go see Cinderella and have some ice cream after. At least the movie was great and you can never go wrong with ice cream!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Angry Ways

There are days that I feel like things could not get anymore chaotic within the walls of our house. Fighting, yelling, bugging, etc...On days like that, it seems like life is just crazy, but then I think, "Wow, we are not even close to puberty!" Add a little extra estrogen into our lives, and the little bickering that we have now is going to be nothing, I am sure of that! I often wonder when things will be at an absolute estrogen-induced drama high, and I envision that 15, 13, and 11 might be pretty rough! Luckily, I have 7-8 years to prepare myself and Cory to survive those years.
The reason for this post is because each girl has their own way of dealing with anger right now, and I am pretty sure that they will stay relatively the same. I wanted to document it now to see if it matches up in the future :)
Adilyn gets really mad, and she shows it. She stomps around the house. She grunts and folds her arms. She refuses to do anything except just be mad.
Kacy gets upset, and she usually cries. 9 times out of 10, any time she gets yelled at or gets in trouble, she immediately cries. Not because she is trying to get out of trouble, she just truly freaks out and cries. After shedding a few tears, she usually goes up to her room and covers her head with her blanket and sometimes just goes to sleep.
Brooke gets mad, and she cries too. Instead of running up to her room, she grabs whatever blanket or pillow she can find and she screams or cries into it until all is right with the world again.
It cracks me up how different they all are, and how they show their anger, sadness, and disappointment in opposite ways. I have always been one to let them deal with their feelings in ways that make them feel better as long as it doesn't hurt themselves or anyone else, and so far they have chosen decent ways - let's hope that continues. :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

2nd Grade Music Performance

The 2nd grade music performance was called, "We are Making Music" and Adilyn had been looking forward to it for weeks. She was practicing all her songs and getting so excited. We all headed up there for the show, and we thought we were early enough to get good seats. We thought wrong. Luckily, we ended up on the same side as Adilyn was standing, but we were pretty far back. It was no big deal because we could still hear all their beautiful little voices. The show was pretty cute, and they all did a great job!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

14 Year Anniversary :)

I can't believe this guy has been my husband for 14 years! We have been through so much together, both good and bad, but I am so glad that he has been right by my side for every single step. I love watching him be a wonderful dad to our little girls, and I am so glad that they have a man like him to watch and look up to. I love our relationship, and I feel so lucky to have found the love of a lifetime.
Dana so thoughtfully offered to watch the girls on the evening of our anniversary, so we could go out to dinner. We went out to a restaurant called, Peli Peli, which we had never been to. It was fantastic! The food was different and delicious, and the service was absolutely amazing. We had a wonderful waitress, and they even brought us some champagne to celebrate. We had great conversation and an overall great time. I love this guy! 14 years seems like a long time, but I can only imagine what the future will hold for us, this is just the beginning!