Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The "make-up" soccer game

Adilyn heard her soccer coach and I talking about having to make up their soccer games that were rained out.
About 3 days later, we were playing with her Barbies, and they were at the beauty salon getting make up on. She said, "Um, Mommy, I just don't think the boys on my soccer team are going to want to wear make up." I asked her why she thought they would have to wear make up. She said, "Well, I heard my coach say that we were going to have a make-up soccer game."
I can just see what she pictured in her little mind...they were all going to put make up on and run around and play soccer! Maybe, if that was the case, she would actually play more :)

Choked up!

Adilyn loves telling me dramatic stories about what happened at school each day. This was her latest... "Oh, Mommy, you would NOT believe what happened today. Sydney got Ms. Niroo's toliet all choked up. She pooped, put too much toliet paper in the toilet, and flushed it way too many times, and it got all choked up! Now, we can NOT use her toilet at all. We have to go alllllll the way to the art room or the enrichment room. I can't believe she choked it up. AND, Mommy, two teachers tried to fix it, but they couldn't fix it at all!"
I think she might have taken one breath during that whole story. :)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bluebonnets with the Griffins!

We needed to get out of the house because we had some showings, and Sonja had a great idea to go take pictures in the bluebonnets. We all wanted to meet their new baby, Hannah, so it was a perfect plan. I could not believe how tiny Hannah was. It is always amazing how quickly you forget how small newborns are!
We have never done bluebonnet pictures before, but they ended up turning out great! We got some really cute pictures of all the kids. I think that Kacy and Isaac had the most fun of everyone running through the field. It was so cute to see them together!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Too Many Babies

This picture was from my phone about a month ago. We were at Adilyn's soccer practice, and the girls put their soccer balls in the shirts. Adilyn said, "We are all having babies!!!" Silly girls :)

Cash Time!

Cash was introduced to Barbies when he was staying with us during Spring Break. His favorite was the doctor Barbie...maybe following in his doctor daddy's footsteps??? It was pretty funny watching him play with all the girly pink toys.

Even though he woke me up way too early, he got to bond with his unborn cousin while he was cuddled up sleeping on my belly! The baby got squished up a bit, but it won't be the last time that she will squished by someone that loves her.

My Little Sickie!

We were just talking a couple weeks ago how amazing it was that Adilyn hadn't been sick in so long. She really had not been to the doctor because she was sick since 2010. Well, we spoke too soon...she had a horrible fever one night - 104.5, so we took her to the doctor and she had the flu! Luckily, Cory stayed home with her, and they watched tv together for about 3 days. After the worst was over, she still had a cough for what seemed like forever. Then, today she woke up complaining about her ear hurting, so I took her to the doctor, and she had the beginnings of an ear infection! They did say that it's pretty common to have ear infections or other infections after having the flu because it takes so much out of you. Let's hope that's the last of it!
It sure was scary when she had that high of a fever. She was talking crazy in her sleep. One time she said, "Mommy, stop giving me so many surprises, I can't carry them all!" Another time, she said, "Kacy is way too little to be doing that." She also thought there were mosquitos biting her feet! It made me really nervous, but luckily her fever finally broke in the middle of the night!


Although Kacy can make me absolutely crazy sometimes, the girl is hilarious! She cracks me up constantly with her silly faces, her questions, the "stories" she tells me, and the things that she says. One of the things that she has started to say is "Hi-YA" like a karate chop noise, but she says is all the time! She says it when she tries to take her shoe off and it's hard or when she shifts her position on the couch or when she tries to reach something way up high. It's like her little grunting noise when she's working hard, but it always comes out "hi-ya"!
She loves having her fingernails painted. When she notices that the paint has come off, she will say, "Mommy, my fingernails lost."
Recently she has started saying, "My mama said..." all the time. She will say it when she asks for something from Cory like, "I need juice, my mama said." Or she will tell other people things that I told her that she could do.
She always gets grumpy when I do her hair, and she told me the other day, "Mama, do it slowly and gently, mama...slowly, gently."
Any time Adilyn wears a dress, and I don't put her in one she will say, "Me no pretty Mama, not fair!" Sometimes even when she is in a dress, if it doesn't twirl the way she wants she will claim that she can't dance because it won't twirl. I suspect that as she grows up, she will become less and less of a girly-girl, but only time will tell!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

3 weeks to go!

Well, this pregnancy is winding down, and although I have tried to really enjoy my last and final pregnancy, it's been tough! I don't remember being this uncomfortable in the other pregnancies, but it might be because I'm doing more or on my feet more. Who knows, but I am ready to meet this little gal! She is quite a mover and a shaker. I swear, sometimes it feels like she is doing jumping jacks or karate in there. The movements are much crazier than I remember from the past pregnancies. Hopefully that is not an indication of her being wild when she's born! I am having a hard time getting comfortable when I am sleeping, but I guess I should be getting used to not sleeping through the night. But...on a more positive note. I am so excited to meet our newest little one. I look forward to seeing what she looks like, how she will act, and who she will become as she grows up. I am so thankful that I have been given the chance to be mom again. I look forward to experiencing the miracle of giving birth again, there is absolutely nothing in the whole world that is sweeter than holding your just born baby for the first time! I am so grateful to be able to have that one last time, so I can truly savor each second of the miracle...

Day Camping with the Hrobars

Our last Spring Break outing was going up to Huntsville State Park for the day to visit the Hrobars. It is always a great time when we hang out with them! The kids get along so well, and of course, so do the adults :) We went fishing off the pier, played on the trails, ate a yummy fajita dinner, and made s'mores for dessert. Adilyn wanted me to take "princess model pictures" of her, so we had a tiny photo shoot. She also wanted to learn how to take pictures by herself, so I taught her how to use my camera. She actually took a couple really cute ones of me and Kacy! Maybe a future photographer? :)

Spring Break Fun

I knew that our Spring Break was not going to be too exciting since I wasn't going to be able to travel anywhere, but we ended up having a great time! The first part of Spring Break was spent with Adilyn getting over being sick, so that was a bummer. It was a rainy weekend, though, so being lazy around the house wasn't too bad! By Tuesday, we were really bored, so we decided to get the heck outta the house! Cory had to go to Ohio for Tuesday night, so we dropped them off and headed to Kemah Boardwalk. On our way down there Kacy peed in her carseat, and it was a big mess. I was starting to think that I might have made a huge mistake. It was much busier than I had expected, but we still had a great time. The girls did a fantastic job waiting patiently in line for all the rides, which was very surprising to me! We rode on the ferris wheel, the mini-train, and the carousel. I think Addy's favorite was the ferris wheel, and Kacy had the most fun on the train. We ate our picnic lunch on the boardwalk by water, and the girls loved looking out in the bay. The worst part of the trip was trying to fit us all in the tiny port-a-potty. It was a relatively clean one, but we just didn't fit very well. Add in the fact that it was crazy hot in there, and it was a miserable 3 or 4 minutes! :) Other than the potty break, we had a fantastic time, and I am glad that we ventured out on our own.
Ashley had to work down in Houston that week, so we offered to babysit Cash. They got to our house on Tuesday night, and the girls had so much fun talking to him and trying to get him to play with toys. He was so much fun to have around! The only bad part was how early he woke up...those crazy babies! He was wide awake when Ashley went to work at 6:30 the first morning, and I finally got him to go back to sleep around 7:45. He is a great baby, though, and so snuggly! We went to the park to meet my friend, Melody, on Wednesday and played for hours. I didn't think about his sweet, sensitive baby skin, and I accidentally got him sunburned! Good thing Ashley is a laid back mama :) It was hilarious to see people look at me like I was some crazy baby lady! Here I was with a 4 year old, 2 year old, 8 month old, and 9 months pregnant! Cory came back Wednesday night, and we went to the rodeo on Thursday. It was really busy there, but the kids loved looking at the animals and watching all the people. All three kiddos passed out in the car on the way home! Ashley and Cash left to go over to Grandma's house Friday night, and we all missed them!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Busy Weekend!

We had a very busy weekend this weekend! It started with a soccer game, which Adilyn played all of about 6 minutes. Once I realized that she was not going to play anymore, we loaded up and headed to our next event - a princess birthday party! The birthday party was for Ally and Lexy, Adilyn's friends from school. We went to a little place in Katy called the Storybook Cottage. I didn't really know what it was, but Adilyn and Kacy were excited. As soon as we walked in, I could tell the girls were going to be in love! There were about 50 different dresses for preschoolers to dress up in. They were the cutest dresses, like flower girl or formal dresses, not your typical "fake" dress up things. Each girl got to pick out their own dress, shoes, tiara, and accessories. Of course, Adilyn being Adilyn had to have 3 wardrobe changes during the hour and 30 minutes we were there! They painted their fingernails and gave the sparkly fairy dust. After they had a dramatic fashion show, they had cupcakes with pink icing and pink lemonade. It was a princess's dream :) Both Adilyn and Kacy were not very happy to leave that magical, tiny house, but we had one more party for the day. We drove home to get Cory, and we headed to Eastyn's birthday party, our friend from BlastBall. There party was at their house, and the girls had a ton of fun playing with their toys and jumping in the bounce house. Cory and I really get along with Brianna and Joe, and the rest of their family, so we didn't mind staying and hanging out for a while. It was a fun-filled day!

Soccer - Midway Report

The happy Adilyn at soccer practice! She loves to practice, and her favorite thing is to just run up and down the field kicking the ball with nobody in her space. She is a great listener, and she is usually the first one to do what the coach asks. They do an activity where they are supposed to stop doing whatever they are doing when the coach blows the whistle. She is usually the only one who stops every single time. The other boys are still running around or wrestling each other while Adilyn patiently waits for the next instruction. She loves trying to score goals, and she likes kicking the ball really hard.

The games are a different story...the only thing that she will do on the field is play goalie. I don't know if that's because she doesn't have to run or she doesn't have to be in the mix of the other crazy kids, but she will stand down there in the goal and usually do a decent job of keeping the ball out. Sometimes she forgets to pay attention, like in the picture above, but most of the time she does an okay job. She loves practicing playing goalie with Cory, too. It's just so funny to me because I always hated the pressure of being a goalie! But, believe me, this girl is feeling NO pressure down there :) The minute that she is supposed to play in the field, she literally stands still in the middle of the field, or she will just walk off the field and sit in my lap.
It's annoying, but she is by no means the only reluctant soccer player out there. Every team has at least 3 or 4 kids that refuse to play. I will say that at least she doesn't scream and cry; she just flat out stubbornly refuses. At least the girl knows what she wants!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kacy, the Copycat

Kacy always copies Adilyn, and that is understandable, cute, and sometimes really annoying to Adilyn. Lately, though, she has been randomly copying me. I will be drying my hair, and I will look over at her, and she is pretending to dry her hair with an imaginary blowdryer. I will be opening the fridge, and she will be right next to me pretending to open a door. The best part about it is that she is totally trying to be silly, so when I catch her, she makes the cutest little face. It's this little embarassed/sheepish grin that is just absolutely adorable!

Do I look like a teenager?

Adilyn's new obsession is age. She always asks things like - how old are you when you are in high school? How old are you when you can drive? How old are you when you are a mom? And on, and on...Then, she started asking me, "Do I look like a teenager in this skirt?" or "Do teenagers wear their hair like this?" or "Do I look like a teenager playing soccer?" It's pretty hilarious, and I have no idea where she even got the concept of a "teenager". I could see if I was still teaching junior high, and she was around them. Or even if we were ever around any teenagers, but we haven't been. My favorite was last night when she said, "Mom, I look like a teenager going to bed, don't I?" I looked at her in her princess castle bed wearing her TinkerBell jammies with her night-night blankie and stuffed animals all around her, and I simply answered, "Yes, baby, you look just like a teenager." :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

11 years of wedded bliss...

11 years have passed since Cory and I stood on Surfside Beach in the chilly wind saying our vows to each other. In that time, we have experienced a lot...traveling, hobbies, dogs, and now kids. I cannot imagine a person that I would rather have beside me in this journey of life than Cory. He is such a hard worker, a great dad, and a loving husband! When I was growing up, I always believed that I would find my soulmate. I truly believe that I have, and I am so lucky!