Friday, September 30, 2011

"Lil' Bit"

I have been writing a lot about Adilyn lately, so I thought I would share some of Kacy's newest things...She has been doing more than abusing Adilyn after all :)
She recently learned the concept of "just a little bit". Now, every time I tell her that she can't have something, her response is always, "Mama, just a lil' bit?" She says it so cute that she usually gets a little bit of whatever she is asking for.
Kacy loves to play around in the car. Every time I get her out of her car seat, she jumps in the front seat and starts to play around. The best part about it is that whenever I get into to car in the morning, I never know what's going to be turned on - the wipers, the blinker, the radio on super's always an exciting mystery!
She has always loved her teacher, Ms. Irma. Actually, she loved her even before she was her teacher. When I would pick her up, she would reach back for Irma to hold her! Now, she loves her new teacher Ms. Doris. The other day, she grabbed my hand and said, "Ms. Doris, Ms. Doris!" I thought she maybe forgot something, but it turned out that she just wanted me to say hi to Ms. Doris.
Her favorite place at school is the gym where they play with the balls and run around crazy. Every time I pick her up, she runs to me and says, "Gym! Gym!"
Every where Kacy goes, she makes friends. Adilyn was always a little more timid around other kids, but Kacy is right up with the other kids. It's funny because it's usually older girls (around 8 or 9) that want to play with her because she is just "so cute" or they want to "help" her. They help her up the ladders at the park or down the slides. They pick her up when she falls, and they try to swing her in the swings. It's just interesting how they gravitate toward her.
Kacy is very independent, and she will just wander off to go explore if we aren't careful. We were at Adilyn's Blastball practice, and I was talking to some of the parents and all of a sudden she was halfway across the field.
I absolutely love Kacy's strong personality, and I really hope that she uses it for good later in life! :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

More Inside Info on What Adilyn Thinks About...

We were watching Dora, and Adilyn says, "Hey, Dora and Diego's backpacks could get married. Or they could just be friends if they wanted to."
As we were driving in the car during a rainstorm, Adilyn asked Kacy if she wanted to get wet. Kacy said, "No." Adilyn said, "You will have to go all the way up to Mother Nature and ask her to make it stop raining then. Good luck."
We were driving back from Adilyn's 3rd BlastBall practice, and she said, "When are we going to be done playing BlastBall?" I told her that it wouldn't be for awhile. She said, "Well, I don't want to play until the fall." I explained to her that it was fall, and she denied it saying, "No, it's not in fall the leaves turn brown and it gets cold. None of that has happened, so it's not fall." (All very true by the way, it was 97 degrees at her practice at 6pm!)
She put a "veil" on Kacy the other day, and she told her that she was pretending to marry Kevin, a boy from Kacy's class. Then she said, "Hey, I can pretend to marry Grant, Kevin's brother! Then sisters can marry the brothers. That would be cool."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

One Giggle Can Change Everything

Adilyn had a little meltdown tonight. That is Kacy's area of expertise these days, but for some reason Adilyn took it on today. She got mad about something, and then it just escalated from there. She was trying to hit me, and she kept saying, "I can hit you really hard!" I kept grabbing her hands as she tried to hit me, so she was getting so mad. She yelled, "You are NOT my mom tonight!" I told her that hurt my feelings, and then I asked her who would teach her stuff and take care of her if I wasn't her mom. She said, "Ms. Niroo (her teacher) will teach me things, and Daddy can take care of me." Long story short, her little tantrum lasted about 5 minutes, and she started crying, let me hold her, and told me that she was just super tired! She went and laid down in the bed, and she came back a different person. We ate dinner, and she apologized for "acting crazy". Just a few minutes later I heard her and Kacy giggling and yelling "banana pants"! The sound of my two sweet girls giggling together can always, no matter what has happened during that day, make me smile. Those giggles make any bad day, a perfect one. :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Adilyn's Random Thoughts and Ideas

Adilyn has a decent size space between her two front teeth. I don't think it's too big of a deal, and I think it will be better for her when her permanent teeth come in late. Anyway, one of her friends at school busted his front tooth out in an accident, so I guess they were all talking about losing teeth. She asked me one day, "How did I lose my tooth?" I tried to explain to her that she didn't lose her tooth, it's just a space, but she didn't want to believe it. A couple of weeks late, she said, "My friends and I were wondering why I have this huge missing spot in my teeth." I think it's so funny that kids are already talking about things that are "different" about each other.
It also makes me sad to think that there will be things that my girls will be made fun of about. I was made fun of for lots of little things, and I survived, but it is so hard to think about that day one of the girls will come home crying because they were made fun of!

Adilyn is still saying things out loud that are a little inappropriate and awkward, but we are working on it. Yesterday, she said something hilarious, though! We were waiting to pick up Adilyn's BlastBall equipment (that's another story), and we were watching some older girls practicing softball. One girl kept covering 2nd base when she wasn't supposed to. Her coach was getting pretty irritated with her. After he yelled at her for the second or third time, Adilyn said, (loudly enough for all to hear) "Why isn't that girl listening to her coach?" The coach turned around and said, "I wish I knew!" Luckily, everyone thought it was pretty funny!

She was riding her bike down the street, and I was walking beside her. She said, "Mom, look at this." I looked down and she had one hand off her handlebars. I told her that was a pretty good trick, and she said, "Yeah, you probably never saw a 4 year old do that." I asked her how she learned how to do that, and she responded, "My heart taught me how." :) After further conversation, I explained to her that your heart can tell you that you want to do something, but your brain can help you learn it. Later, I heard her tell Cory, "Yeah, my heart and brain taught me that."

Cory has been out of town a lot, and we had gone to the store one weekend to buy some hunting stuff. Adilyn and Cory were walking holding hands, and she said to him, "Daddy, I am so glad you are home."

The girl has a crazy good memory for certain things, and then other things she just can't get right! Two things that she can NOT remember that drive me crazy are the dog's names and how to spell her name. She always calls Willow and Zoe the wrong name, or she will ask which one the black one is. She can remember a certain gas station we went to, who bought her a certain skirt last Christmas, and all kinds of other crazy things; but she can't remember A-D-I-L-Y-N!

Cory has been hunting teal for the last couple weekends in the morning, and Adilyn has been very intrigued by the birds he brings home. She wants to touch their feathers, and she likes to watch him clean the ducks (yuck!) I try not to be super grossed out by it because I want her to not be scared of the process of hunting and all that. It's funny because she always says, "Are these the ducks that you caught?" I think this is so funny to me because I have this picture of Cory running through ponds to catch birds bare-handed!!! :)

Sometimes I look at her, and I can't believe how big she is getting. She wanted to get herself dressed the other morning, and she came down wearing a jean mini skirt and a pink shirt. I got this vision of her as a teenager, and it made me tear up. These years of listening to her crazy ideas and silly stories are going to be over so soon. Before I know it, and we will be faced with listening to her boyfriend troubles, helping her study for test, and worrying about her future and the choices she will make. :)


Kacy is still being super mean to Adilyn. I keep waiting for this phase to end, but it's taking much longer than I would like! On Sunday, I had to "rescue" Adilyn about 10 times in a couple hours. Her violent acts of choice are hitting, pulling hair, and pinching. When the girl pinches, she doesn't mess around! There are always marks, and she even sometimes breaks the skin. I am pretty sure she usually does it when she wants my attention, but unfortunately I can't always give her attention at that time. It has always been my philosophy to be with my kids before cleaning my house and doing the chores of life, but there comes a point that stuff just needs to get done! I feel so bad for Addy, and the saddest part is that she flinches when Kacy comes around her when Kacy is in one of her moods. Adilyn always forgives her instantly, but sometimes Kacy just doesn't let up. I remember Adilyn going through a violent stage right about this time, and I remember feeling so bad for Kacy. I guess it's true, what goes around, comes around!
In parenting, I have definitely learned that everything eventually works out. If you keep trying different methods, negative behaviors will usually end at some point. I just wish I had a magic cure for this one!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Little Mommy

Adilyn has always liked "helping" Kacy; getting things for her that are up high, giving her a "booty boost" to get on the bed, picking out beautiful dresses to wear, etc. Recently she has changed her mindset, and she has started disciplining Kacy. I usually try to stop her if we are all together because I don't really believe she should be so bossy even if she is the big sister. When they are playing together, I find it very humorous to listen to. Here are a few things I have heard her say to Kacy lately.
"Kacy, if you touch that one more time, I will scream at you."
"Kacy, there is no hitting in this family!"
"I know your parent's number, and I can call them if I have to." (she must have gotten that one from school)
"Kacy, if you throw that on the ground again, I will take it away from you and put it up really high."
"This is your mess, you need to clean it right now!"
It's funny to hear her talk to Kacy that way because I am sure that is how she sees and hears me discipline them. It's kind of scary, but funny!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


All of a sudden Kacy has started calling me "Mamea". Not Mom, Mommy, Mama, or anything else that is normal. It's like this annoying little whiny cat sound. The funny thing about it is that she is totally doing it to bug me. Tonight, she was walking around saying, "Mamea, Mamea, Maaaammeeeaaaa!" When I looked at her, she had her typical little sneaky smirky smile on - that girl! No matter how much she bugs me, when I see that little look, it cracks me up every time. :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Embarrassing Questions

Adilyn, like most little ones, is very observant. She pays attention to everything, and she of course, has to ask "why this?" and "why that?" I love answering her "why" questions, but lately these questions have taken an embarrassing turn.
We were at Jack In the Box on the way home from Fort Worth the other day, and we had decided to go inside. The boy that was taking our order had earrings in both ears and looked a little feminine. We were standing there ordering our food, and Adilyn says,"Mommy, is that a boy or a girl?" I told her to be quiet, but obviously, that wasn't going to work because she just repeated it, louder. We ordered as fast as possible, and then retreated to the bathroom!
The next day, we were at Walmart. We saw a lady wearing gloves. Adilyn says, (as we pass her) "Why is that lady wearing gloves? It's not winter time!" Same trip, we were checking out, and the checker had a nose ring. The question, "Why does she have an earring in her nose? That isn't where it is supposed to go!"
The worst part of the embarrassing questions is that I have to give her some sort of answer without offending the person she is asking about. About the lady with the gloves, "Sometimes people just don't want to touch things in public." I don't know about that one, but it's all I had. About the nose ring, "People put earrings in all sorts of places in their bodies." Weird answer, but true, I suppose!
After the string of horrifying questions, I decided it was time to have a talk! I tried to tell her if people look different or have different things about them, that she can ask me about it when we walk away, far away!
I told her that if she doesn't know if a person is a boy or girl, she needs to just choose one. I also told her that it doesn't really matter if they are a boy or girl.
I hope, for my sake, that she understands!

Motorcycle Rally?

Ever since Cory went to Sturgis to the "motorcycle rally", it's all Kacy can talk about! Every time Cory goes somewhere she says, "Daddy, motorcycle rally?" I love the way she says it, she makes sure to say every little syllable. The other day, she was talking on a pretend phone having a pretend conversation. It went a little like this. "Hello? Yes. Okay. Motorcycle rally? Yes. Okay, bye!" Then she looked at me with the most serious face and said, "Motorcycle rally, ya."
Any time she sees a motorcycle, she yells "Motorcycle!" Maybe Cory will get a biker chick after all! The only problem is that the loudness of motorcycles terrify her...She just likes them from afar, I guess :)