Friday, August 27, 2010
My First Week Teaching Tiny Kids
*I took the kids outside to practice a fire drill. I saw a couple boys pick up handfuls of rocks and put them in their pockets. I told them that they needed to put the rocks on the ground. One of the boys looked at me with this super mad look, then he turned and threw the rocks with all might into the middle of the parking lot. I then had to "pat down" the kids as they walked inside.
*I finally learned what "bubble and buckle" meant. I kept hearing teachers say it, so I finally asked. They put a bubble in their mouth to keep them quiet, and the buckle their hands behind their back to keep their hands to themselves. By Thursday I was saying, "Bubble and buckle" like a pro.
*After a couple days, I realized that I needed to have a 5 minute demonstration and lesson about how to sit in "big kid" chairs. Oh, that was after about 6 kids legitimately fell out of their seats.
*I believe that no shoe for any kid under the age of 8 should have shoe laces - they should all be velcro and slip-ons. I think I have tied more shoes this week than I have in my entire lifetime.
*A sweet girl came up to me and said, "You have hair like my mommy. That makes me happy."
*My question: "Why should we eat healthy foods?" Answer: "Because if we eat healthy we get big and skinny, if we eat junk we get big and fat."
*I asked a boy what he was drawing a picture of. (it was a big black circle) His answer: "That's my friend, Emory. He's black."
*Kids were supposed to be drawing things that make them happy. I went to one table and a boy had a bunch of flowers on his card. Another boy had a bunch of sports pictures. I asked them what they liked. The boy with flowers said, "I like flowers, they are pretty." The sports guy said, "Flowers, yuck! I like sports."
*I never realized that kids as old as 2nd grade would be sitting in class sucking their thumbs! Crazy!
*I also never realized that there was an actual technique to leading lines.
Oh my, elementary is a different world! And I feel like an alien in it!
It's Over, It's Really Over
We had a very good first couple days back in the routine. Cory was gone on a fishing trip, so it was "just the girls" again, but they did pretty good. Kacy struggled with her naps at daycare, so she was really tired in the evenings. After having to peel her off my neck the first couple of days, Adilyn got back into the swing of things. She liked playing with her friends again, and she loved showing me her drawings each day.
Now, the real problems came when school actually started...Oh my, I didn't know what I was getting myself into with this new job. I have been teaching at Beck JH for the last 8 years. I knew everyone there, knew the curriculum, knew how much of a slacker I could be, and everything else that I needed to know to be comfortable. The problem was that I was tired of coaching, and I was tired of the same old, same old. Most of my friends have left the school for different reasons, but I didn't really have anything holding me there. I applied for a transfer, and interviewed for a couple positions. I was offered a jr. high 6th language arts position, a 9th grade English position, and finally an elementary health/PE teacher. After much thought and stress, I decided to go with the elementary position. It seemed like an interesting job - I would teach health topics to kindergarteners to 5th graders Monday through Thursday, then I would teach PE with the other teacher on Fridays.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sometimes we are sweet to our sister...
All Kacy ever wants to do is walk while holding on to someone. The little push walker things don't interest her, she doesn't like cruising on furniture, just only holding someone's hands! We have gotten her to just hold one hand, which saves the back pain, but it's still exhausting sometimes. Finally, we got Adilyn to walk with her some. Of course, it usually lasts for about 14.5 seconds, which is when Adilyn decides that Kacy wants to run and pulls her over! :)
But...for those 14.5 seconds it is so sweet to see them playing together and laughing.
Summer Reflections...
Fun at the splashpad - one of our favorite morning outings!
This was our last week of summer, so sad! :( I have had a great time with the girls this summer. I remember when the summer started I wasn't sure how things would go. Last summer was a little boring at times because we were stuck inside a lot once Kacy was born. The thought of being home with both girls mostly by myself was a little daunting, but it turned out to be a great time! We had a lot of little vacations to break up the time at home, so we barely even had time to get bored. There were a lot of dance parties, park visits, trips to the swimming pool, a few trips to the beach, and some playing at the gym (while I worked out). Adilyn stopped napping, but she still had "rest time" for an hour or two each day. Adilyn did a great job "swimming", which is really just treading water. She loved jumping off the edge of the pool and swimming around in her princess tube. She enjoyed watching Mickey Mouse, Handy Manny, and her new obsession, Carebears. I tried to limit her television to one hour a day, but she could have watched it all day if I let her. We also watched "So You Think You Can Dance" together at nights somtimes. We tried to get outside and walk, ride her bike, or just play a little bit each day. It was pretty hot, so we usually went early or waited until after dinner to go outside. Despite a few days of fighting and hitting here and there, she did pretty good with Kacy through the summer. I think she made me laugh everyday at least a few times. She became very attached to me for a while, which wasn't very good, but I think she is doing a little better now.
Kacy can walk by herself, but she still loves to walk around holding our hands. I think it's her way of getting us to go where she wants us to go. She was pretty grumpy this summer between her ear infections and getting new teeth, but she is still so sweet. She tries to be funny, which is hilarious. Just the other day, she learned to blink her eyes really fast, so now she does it all the time to make Adilyn laugh. She also learned to "kiss", all she does is open her mouth huge and lunges toward us. :) She has slept really well for the summer; she usually takes a 2 hour nap in the early afternoon and another short 1 hour nap later. She got a little pickier about her food, but she is still a pretty good eater. I think she weighs about 21 pounds now, and she is looking more like a "toddler". I am still breastfeeding her, but only two or three times a day. It seemed that she was uninterested in it for awhile, but then I guess she changed her mind and decided that she wasn't done. I am not going to pump at school this year, so I will only feed her in the morning and night until she wants to be done.
It's hard to be a working mom a lot of times, but I think being a teacher is the best job to have! I can't imagine not having my summers with my kids. It's just the perfect amount of time to have fun, go on trips, and be lazy together. It's still going to be hard to start school, but I know in 9 short months....summer fun will begin again! Yay!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
"Mommy, why did you leave me?"
Such a drama queen...
Anyway, when she wants me to "walk" with her she will crawl up to me and just ram her head into my leg. She usually does it when I am cooking, but it's hilarious. I will just be standing there, and all of a sudden, I hear little Kacy crawling noises. Then boom, she crashes into my leg! Adilyn said one night, "Mama, Kacy is bulldozing you!" :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Doctors and Dentists and Surgeries, Oh My!
I was not too anxious about Kacy's surgery, and I just knew that everything was going to be okay. All my friends that have gone through it told me that it was going to be quick and simple. We had to be there at 6am in the morning, so we got there and got all set up. She was pretty grumpy because she was tired and hungry, but they went pretty quick. The anesthiologist came over and explained what was going to happen. He asked me if I had any other kids, and I told him that I had a 3 year old. He said, "Oh, so you must have gone through this before." I told him that I hadn't, and he said that I seemed so relaxed that he thought I had done it before. I guess I was just laidback about it because it's my nature not to get all uptight about stuff, or maybe because I was just being positive. Either way, I felt very calm. It was nice because the anesthiologist just carried her away, and I didn't have to see her actually hooked up to anything or asleep in a big huge bed or something. I walked out to the waiting room where Pops and Adilyn were waiting for us. We were honestly out there for 10 minutes when they came and got me. She was done! I went back to the recovery room, and there she was in a rocking chair with one of the nurses. She had little marks on her face from the tape on her eyes, and she seemed pretty sleepy. When I went to get her, she just snuggled up to the nurse. I guess she was comfy there! I felt bad that she didn't want to come to me, but then she realized that it was me and reached out for me. We sat there for about 20 minutes or so, she had some milk, and she smiled at some people. Then, they sent us home! She has had no complications or anything. I sure hope this makes her feel better!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Kacy's Ear Surgery
I Am Sooooo Confused!
Lake Trip 2010