Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Adilyn is getting to be quite the little copycat. She is getting to the point where she is not repeating what I say right after I say it, but later on at random times when I least expect it. Which means...I better start watching what I say!
The other day we were trying to get everything together to go back in the house last night after playing outside. She looked at me and said, "Let's go, chickadee!" I guess I call her "chickadee".
She was running around at the park the other day, and she was going under the bridge yelling, "Don't bump your beanie! Don't bump your beanie!" My mom says that to her all the time when she puts her in the carseat.
She spilled her juice the other day, and she said, "It's okay. That happens." I started to realize that I say that all the time to her when things spill or things go wrong.
She also says, "How 'bout that?" all the time.
One of the funniest things was the other night in the bath when she started singing, "God, Our Father." She put her hands together like she was praying. She told me that her friend, Abby taught it to her at school.
I'm sure that all the stories of her copying things won't always be so cute!

Family Labels

All of us at SeaWorld

One day, a toy of Adilyn's broke, and I tried to fix it. Unfortunately, I could not get it working. She was very distraught, so to ease her pain, I told her that when Daddy got home he would fix it. I told her that Dadddy was the "Fixer". From that moment on, anytime anything was broken she would say, "Uh oh, it's broken. Maybe Daddy can fix it. Daddy is the Fixer."
Another day, Cory couldn't find something. Like most men, whatever he was looking for was in the closet like I told him. Adilyn said, "Mommy, you're the Finder!"
Kacy is a super crazy grabber of everything and anything, so we decided that she would be the "Grabber."
Another day, I asked Adilyn to get me a kleenex for Kacy's boogers. When she came back I told her, "You are such a great helper." She said, "Mommy, I'm the Helper!"
So, now we all have our labels. The Fixer, The Finder, The Grabber, and The Helper - happily ever after...