Cory and I went on a date Saturday night. I would have to say that this was our first date in many, many, many months...Living in Houston and not having much family around to babysit, combined with the fact that I just don't like leaving the kids on the weekends makes for very few date nights. Dad and Kris were here this weekend, so Cory and I decided to go ahead and go out to dinner. We went to a fancy sushi restaurant down by the Galleria. We actually could enjoy our dinner without worrying about someone crying, pooping, or throwing food across the restaurant. There was nice conversation and time to catch up on our lives. Ovearll, it was a great time!
I always have a hard time making the effort to go out on dates. Before I had kids I totally thought that I would have a "mandatory" date night once a month. I thought that we would still have lots of couple time. Now that I actually have the kids, it is so hard to leave them. I think that because I am a working mom, when I am at home with them on the weekends I feel like that time is so precious. Sometimes I feel selfish for working and not staying home with them, and than I feel even more selfish for wanting time alone with Cory. After our date on Saturday, I did realize just how important it is for us to have that time together, especially when he is traveling. We had a great time, and it made me feel like we were a "new" couple again!