Saturday, June 13, 2009

38 weeks...

I've got two more weeks until my due date, and I am getting pretty antsy. School has been out for a week. This week I've just been sitting around....waiting and waiting...I know that I shouldn't get that irritated since I'm not even at my due date, but I'm just so uncomfortable. I don't remember feeling this uncomfortable last pregnancy. I'm having lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions and a lot of presure on my ribs. Maybe I feel worse because of having to take care of a crazy toddler and this crazy baby inside of me at the same time!
I think we have names picked out - finally! Kacy Michelle for a girl and Brady James for a boy, of course, you never know what will happen when the little one comes out! Sure can't wait to meet this little guy/girl.

Addy's TWO!!!

We had Adilyn's birthday party at Clay's Restaurant on May 30. I had been trying to get her to understand that her birthday was coming and what that meant. I would ask her, "How old is Adilyn?" She would just look at me like I was crazy. Finally she started answering, "Addy's 2!" Then she would say, "Happy Birthday, Adilyn." We kept telling her that her birthday party was coming, and I guess she really understood because when everyone started coming into town, she was saying, "Addy party?"

The party was at 5:30, but it was still pretty hot outside which will be the case for all her parties since it's June in Texas and all. The kids were playing in the sand, and Adilyn seemed to be having a fun time. It was a pretty easy party for me, and that's what I was going for. Everyone was able to come, and it seemed like they all had a good time. Adilyn had a lot of fun playing in the sandbox with Aunt Ashley. She didn't get as messy with her cake as she did last year, but I did't expect her to!

Everyone was very generous, and she got a lot of great gifts. She's pretty in to Mickey Mouse, so she got a lot of Mickey Mouse toys and other cool stuff. It was a really fun party!