Thursday, August 28, 2008

Water giggles!

Here is Adilyn during one of her many joyous experiences playing in the water hose. She can't get enough of that thing!

Adilyn's First Art Gallery

When I picked Adilyn up from her "school" today, she had her first pieces of art with her to take home. I am sure that you will be just as impressed as I was with her abilities.

In her masterpieces, Adilyn used a variety of mediums - from cereal to crayon. I think that shows just how versatile her artisitic talent is.

The first piece we'll call "In the Land of Cheerios". Notice the strategic placement of the pieces of half Cheerio...brilliant.

This next one, I like to call "Pink Infusion". I think the name speaks for itself.

This last one is simple, yet once again simply amazing. Let's just call this one like it is, "Squares".

Monday, August 25, 2008

Adilyn and Willow

Finally, my master plan has been set in child can now keep my dog entertained. My job is done.

It's Ofiicial...Work Sucks

Today was my first day back with kids, and I have to say it sucked. For some reason, in every class someone annoyed me. I think in 8 years, it's the first time that has happened. I think I'll start tomorrow with a better attitude, maybe that will help. I have an English class that somehow has 20 boys in it - no girls, just 20 stinky 7th grade boys. Like I said, I just need to start tomorrow with a different attitude otherwise it's gonna be a long year...Adilyn wasn't very happy about waking up at 6am this morning. As I was getting her dressed, she found her way underneath the covers of my bed and the only thing sticking out was her little diapered butt...poor girl. She is definitely not a morning person - wonder who she got that from?!? =) She loves her new montessori school. She is busy all day learning colors, how to stack things, and shapes. The only bad report that I have gotten is that she hates to wear shoes. I think her teachers finally gave up trying to keep them on her feet. Yet another bad habit learned from her mother.
She is talking a little more and says, "mama", "dada", "dog", "duck", "bye", "ball", "bird", and other words that are in her own language, which I think makes it obvious that she is extra smart. It's going to be a great year, I just know it. We just have to get passed the adjustment phase, and we'll be fine! I'll just keep telling myself that until June probably...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sweet, sweet summer

So, tomorrow is the last day of summer. As I look back on our summer, I have to say that it's probably the best summer I have had! Last summer, Adilyn and I were kind of trapped in the house because she was so tiny. We didn't really travel, and we were pretty boring. This summer was ridiculous. We took three vacations, went on two airplane rides, had lots of fun at the pool, hung out with our friends, and had lots of fun together! There were some days that Adilyn drove me absolutely crazy. There were some days that I couldn't wait until her bedtime, but the majority of days were filled with wonderful times and beautiful memories. I am so glad I am a teacher and that I have these times with her. The thought of having to give up all those precious times made me really sad last week. As I was getting depressed about having to leave her, she began her reign of holy terror; she started getting so silly. Touching all the buttons on the tv, throwing all the clothes out of the drawers, playing in the dogs' water...every little thing that she knew she wasn't supposed to do. I think it was her way of showing me that I would have a really hard time being a stay at home mom. I just don't have the patience that you need to have for that job!

Adilyn, Mom, and I in Oklahoma - our last trip of the summer.